
For those of you who are really into Astrology, are there certain astro traits that you won't even consider...

by  |  earlier

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when it comes to meeting potential dating partners? Is it that important that this person have or not have specific things in their charts? What are some of them?




  1. Well, I don't really base my potential dating partners on their sun sign or anything in their chart BUT there are several things I prefer. I really prefer air/ fire signs (sun and/or rising). I also want him to have some planets in Scorpio. However, as I've said, these are just my preferences. I don't go dating a guy asking his sun sign first. I still want things to go naturally regardless of what compatibility stuff says. If my preferences is found in his chart, it's a plus. If not, it's still okay.. maybe I should think of updating my list considering his astro chart. =)


  2. I won't date fire signs.  They p**s me off.

    I won't date Pisces (my opposite sign) cause I had a bad experience with one already.  We're just too different.

  3. For me I don't consider that.  But if I do, I would try to go out with earth sign females.

  4. Haha, not really, but I do have terrible luck with Virgos in general >.<

  5. lol, not really.... All I know is that I usually fall for earth types. lol

  6. n all actuality your zodiac sign is not what you think it is. there are really 13 signs. also the stars in our universe today don't match the patterns they crossed the sky during the time zodiac signs where created. this means that no ones sign is really what they believe it is. so next time someone says you act just like a cancer, capricorn, aries, ect. you can tell them actually i am not and your education on the stars needs to be expanded beyond the knowledge our ancestors had over 2000 years ago.

    So I wouldn't base to much desicion on a mate based on the stars!!! lol

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