
For those of you who came out in high school...?

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How accepting of you were your friends/peers?

Did people make a big deal out of it?

My parents know, so I've got that situation out of the way.

I'm graduating in May, so I'm wondering if it's worth it or if I should just wait until college.

I can't seem to make up my mind!

Oi vey.




  1. i came out to some friends and i chose them carefully and that's why when i came out to them they were really accepting and they still treat me the same, if i'm annoying they tell me to shut the h**l up and  if i'm not they don't, so that's good. if your parents are cool with you being g*y then and if you feel comfortable telling people you're g*y then tell people, but know that there are going to be some people who will not like that but then again there again there are going to be people who will love just the same.    

  2. it made my life a h**l of a lot easier, im one of those VERY OBVIOUSLY g*y ppl. lol. so when i came out ppl were like FINALLY. lol. i get made fun of from time to time, and i get called a transvestite cuz i look like a girl sometimes, but its really not as bad to come out in high school as everyone makes it out to be.  

  3. Im out to about 7 friends and my parents know..But it really isnt that hard with me its not obvious that im g*y but when I started to get closer to a fellow male classmate thats when everyone was like ohhh their g*y..but most people thought it was cute..minus those select few who always have something smart to say out of their mouths.

  4. OH, wow. I really need to reply to your message I just realized!


    I had no negativity aimed towards me after I came out. No one made a big deal out of it, and I could even say I gained some friends after I did so. Mainly because I was even more comfortable in my skin - and also because a few of the guys and I often debated which women were most attractive.

    I think at this day in age, more people can readily accept homosexuality. It's not really as frowned upon as it used to be, especially in the younger community, such as a highschool. Unless you know your friends are overly against homosexuality, I would say do it. Plus, you're going to graduate soon. So. Yeah.

    Only do it if you're ready though.

    If you haven't done this already, to see how they feel about it, bring up a something like 'Portia and Ellen's wedding' to see how they react. If those friends make negative comments such as 'HOW GROSS' or 'I think g*y people should die'.. then I'm sure you know that coming out to them exclusively isn't a good idea.

    But if they're fine with it, you can of course segway into.. "Hey, guys. I'm g*y."

    Or 'I think I'm g*y' which is sometimes easier for first-timers to say.


  5. well. i came out to my bestfriend in 7th or 8th grade. she was accepting of it. and i changed my orientation on my page to bisexual all throughtout highschool because i didnt want to deal with being g*y. because i was very confused. but some people looked at me weird, but most wernt very mean. but its also because i had alot of respect from my classmates and a very high self esteem. if i was you i would just wait unless its very very important to you to come out to al of them. its none of their buisness really. but if u believe its the right thing to do then i believe you should go for it :]

  6. well, honestly, I go to the gayest school in my county. Like seriously, there is 30+ g*y students in my school. It wasn't that big of a deal. Most people accepted it.

  7. Well i sort of just came out. And a lot of my friends were more understanding than i thought they were. They were mad because i didn't tell them earlier, but i wasn't ready then, but now they are happy and i am happy that it is off my chest. It really depends, at my school they are a lot of people that are like either g*y/L*****n or bisexual. And having friends that you can depend on that will always be their for you really helps so i would see if you had some really good friends that can be their for you that really helps. =)

  8. I only told one friend, and when I came out to her, she told me she was a L*****n so it was awesome cause we both got it off our chests.

  9. I am in high school now and my parents know and only two friends and they are accepting and I feel great! But I only got a foot out the closet!

  10. I didnt come out in high school (and still haven't) I would have been beat to death and wouldnt even be here to write this

  11. People tried to figure out my sexuality in high school. I think it made me unpopular by default even though I did have a lot of female friends in high school. This was during the 90's and I hadn't come out.

  12. i came out my freshman year and it was probably one of the best decisions i have made. like for example, people seemed to really understand me better for coming out. they joked around with it at first, but it was all good.

    sadly iam one of the few g*y/bi at my school.

    im sure theres more of them, but they just havent come out yet.

  13. My friends have so far been very supportive.

    There are some people who never really liked me to begin with. And yeah they tried to make a big deal out of it.

    But you just have to be really kick back about the whole thing and not let anything affect you. Because if it's not a big deal to you why should it be to them?

    That's how I see it.

    I think that's definitely a personal choice for you.

    Only you know how homophobic your school.

    And I really do believe it depends on location. Because I live in California which is probably why a lot of people didn't mind.

    Florida I'm not so sure about.

  14. most of my friends were accepting and it made me feel alot better because I wasn't hding or living a lie I was my self.

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