
For those of you who had Cigna health insurance now or before, please give me your input!?

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My new employer is giving me a choice between United and Cigna. I've had United before and they were average with horrible customer service. However, I don't know anything about Cigna and none of my friends ever had their coverage so any input regarding your experience with them would be greatly appreciated!




  1. I have a Cigna PPO with my current employer, and have been insured by them for nearly a decade, through two pregnancies, a couple of minor ER visits, an all sorts of general ailments.

    Overall, they aren't bad, though I haven't really needed to call customer service.  They cover what they are supposed to cover and haven't unfairly denied claims.  They haven't made mistakes on my copays or deductibles, and they haven't failed to pay any of my healthcare providers.

    They do however "track" your health.  If your kid goes for behavioral counseling, they will send ADHD pamphlets.  Buy a prescription for a bronchialator, they send athsma pamphlets.  You get the idea.  I find this a little distrubing - I want to get my health advice from my doctor, not my insurance company.

  2. Cigna (Connecticut General Life Insurance Company) isn't bad at all.  But before you make a decision, be sure to read the benefit booklet that lists the covered & excluded services, and your co-pay/co-insurance levels.  Then, compare this with the United plan that's being offered to you.  That way, you'll be comparing apples to apples.

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