
For those of you who have had babies and c-sections. Beware, starts out a little graphic. Thanks.?

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I had my baby 3 weeks ago this coming Monday. I bled for about a week and then stopped but every once in a while I will all of a sudden have a gush of blood come out. I will go a couple days without bleeding and than I will start up again but only for that day, and than I will go another couple of days with no bleeding only to start again. Usually I can feel it trickle a little until I go to the bathroom than a gush of blood followed by some mild cramping. I was just wondering if this is normal. I had to have a c-section. I do have a doctors appointment coming up and intend to ask than. I'm not particularly worried about this. Just more curious if it was normal. This is my second child and I had to have a c-section with my first also, but I remember I bled for a little over a month and that was it. Nothing like this though.

I guess I have 2 questions. I was also curious to those who have had a c-section if they felt more pain on one side of their stomach than the other. I am up and moving around with minimal pain now but still experience and intense burning on the left side of my stomach when I move certain ways. It's also tender to the touch but only if I put pressure on it. Something else I will be mentioning to my doctor. Not looking to be diagnosed just if anyone else has experienced anything like what I have mentioned. Thanks in advanced.




  1. My experience was more like yours with your first child.  I'm sure what's happening now is okay too.

    Keep an eye on the area that's tender.  If there is any sign of redness or fluid draining, get to the doctor right away.  I had an infection 9 days after having my daughter and I was hospitalized for a week.  My daughter caught the infection from me and she spend an additional week in the pediatric ICU.  Take it seriously.

  2. It will have been two weeks ago tomorrow that I had my c-section and I've experienced both of the things you mention.

    With the bleeding, I will be free for hours and then feel a gush which reminds me of the feeling I had when my bag of waters was broken (almost like peeing) or sometimes I'll go to the bathroom and look in the toilet before flushing and see a large streak of blood in there but nothing on the pad.  The cramping for me comes mostly when I'm breastfeeding.

    When I was in the hospital, I had way more pain on one side of my incision than on the other and when I asked, the nurses said that was very normal.  I don't notice it so much now that I'm healing.

    Hope my experience helps to set your mind at ease a bit - if not, I'm sure your doctor will be a big help.

    Hope you heal well and feel better soon.

  3. I was tender to my right side, which is the side of my uterus that they cut to take my son out, it was my body healing and later the adhesions breaking up.  As for the bleeding like that - gushes are not a good thing.  Sure when your uterus is still collapsing and you have sat for a bit there will be a gush, but that's in the first day - not weeks after!  Gushing is something that you should be concerned about!  As in, if it takes changing your sanitary napkin less then every 2 hours at this date then something is wrong.  You could have clots from your uterine blood supply not cutting out as it should after delivery - this is how women bleed to death from hemorrhaging after giving birth.  My mother almost died 2 weeks after delivering my brother for the same thing!

  4. I definitely had more pain on one side then the other - the nurses told me that it was normal and that it is usually the side the doctor was standing on that hurts worse because they tend to yank a bit more to that side.  

    As for the bleeding, I had a lot on and off the first 4 weeks, and then it just abruptly stopped.  I had some gushes and cramping like you are talking about and was told it was normal as long as I wasn't going through more than one pad an hour and no lemon sized clots.

  5. I had c- section and was painful too I had to work and care for my son i didn't complete heal for a year and a half but never had gushes of blood ? maybe you have a infection , oh and it been 3 weeks i hate to tell you this but it really important to rest and heal your body has been through a lot with the pregnancy and c- section . (i don't know if that's possible because of the other kid ) but you kneed to ask for help family friend or neighbors just for a couple month do left heavy objects. put neosporin on your scare and wash it before you do this keep it clean .

  6. i didnt have intense pain on one side more than the other. but it was tender, like when i leaned against it, it hurt. it hurt whenever i leaned forward to look in hte mirror, up until my daughter was about 5 months.  

  7. I had my son by emergency c section 2 weeks 3 days ago and I was at the doctors this past wed and I had the same problem abut the bleeding, he told me it was perfectly normal. And should stop withing 6-8 weeks. I still have the burning sensation as well, and sometimes its like a stinging pain for a second. But other then that Im good as new. Hope this helps!

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