
For those of you who have older children as well as little ones...Do think that diapers have changed for the?

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better or have they gotten worse over the years?




  1. BETTER!  I have 4 kids, 3 were chubby.  I love the stretchy material around the waist now.  My first 2 always had a "diaper line" after we took their diapers off, no matter how big we bought them they never stretched enough throughout the waist.

  2. From when I started babysitting 30 years ago till now, I'd say they've definitely gotten better--more absorbent, less leaky.  But I still like cloth better.

  3. I am only 18, but I do have a 19 month old sister.  We use the wal-mart diapers (parents choice) and they work perfectly. We once used huggies on her, but they had  a weird odor to them so that once they got just a little wet, they smelled bad.

  4. I am at the tail end of diapers. My oldest is six and my twins are three. Obviously diapers haven't changed that much over six years.

    I remember my sister being a baby though (she's seven years younger then me) and those diapers were awful. You couldn't restick the tabs and they were that plastic wrap stuff. Todays are more breathable with velcro type straps. Much better.

  5. WAY better!  When my daughter was born, there were only a couple of brands, and she was allergic to both, so cloth diapers for us!  The tons of brands they have now for my grands are wayyyy better!

    The only problem I see now, is that since they started making Pull-Ups, you can only find underwear, and can't find any "training pants", the kind with the very thick absorbent middle.  And the smallest size of underwear is sometimes too big for ittybitty kids.

    And now they're having to make pull-up type ones special so the kids can feel the wetness!  Those old kind of training pants were perfect for that!

  6. they've improved considerably.

  7. They have improved in being more absorbent, however I noticed one big difference from when they went from plastic to cloth (the outer covering of the disposable diapers). When the children would sweat while wearing the plastic disposable diapers, their inner thighs would just slide over the plastic, but when they switched to cloth outer coverings when the children sweat it causes their inner thighs to be rubbed raw from the cloth outer covering of the diaper.

    I ended up having to put plastic pants over the disposable diapers to overcome this obstacle.

    So they are more absorbent, are better now for the environment than ever before, but are harder on the inner thighs of the children.

  8. they have changed for the worst by costing more and getting a cheaper product in return

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