
For those of you who know two Aspies that remind you of each other?

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How do they remind you of each other? I have a teacher who knew another kid with Asperger's( I have Asperger's) and he said that the kid reminded him of me, and also my friend says there's a girl on America's next top model that has Asperger's and she reminds me friend of me.




  1. My husband and oldest step-son are both Aspies and remind me of each other, but it is likely because they are related.  They have many of the same mannerisms, sense of humor, obsession with similar things, etc.  The same holds true for my daughter and I (also both Aspie).  My daughter (an Aspie) and my youngest step-son (Autistic) are so similar it is scary...this has been apparent even before they met each other (one lives in US and one in UK so it isn't like they were around each other before my husband and I met.  They have many of the same sensory issues and preferences, similar fixations, likes, dislikes...they even had similar preferences when they were little (which is weird since they didn't meet until she was 9 and he was 11.

  2. My son and I are both Aspies and when I meet other children with AS I usually pick up on it right away, before they even tell me.

    I often wonder why that is and I think that alot of times it is the posture, the way of speaking, and thinking about things in such a dfferent, many times smarter kind of way than most people.

    Many Aspies that I have known tend to be uncomfortable socially and it shows in the way we hold our bodies. (fidgeting, hunched over, etc.)    Aspie-ness also shows in conversations.  Sometimes our eyes move around to avoid direct eye contact, or else the eye contact is feels odd to the other person.   Many Aspies also have away of talking that is different.  The tone of voice may be low or high or go back and forth, some of us may bring up a subject that leaves others wondering where our minds are? like a young child talking like an adult would, or like blurting out something you rememember from magazine or tv show even though no ne is talking about that subject.  (I do that all the time!)

    The last 2 Aspies I have met, I noticed it because they were quiet kids and then when I tried to start conversation by talking about something they might like, the eyes lit up, thier voice changed, and they told me more than I ever expected to know about the question!

    Its hard for me to explain and took me 30 years to figure out, but when you do you will start noticing Aspies everwhere!  There are alot more peolple in this world with Aperger's than we think there is.  That means there's alot of unique genius' out there that could change the world for the better, we just haven't discovered them yet!

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