
For those of you who were in theater arts in school,please click?

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Well for 1 of my electives i'm going to join theater arts.

My question is

Is theater arts hard?

I really want to be an actor when I grow up.




  1. its extremely rewarding. dont let anyone keep you from succeeding. yes it will be hard work. but if you make it, you'll be walking on clouds.

  2. Theater is hard if you can't remember what to say at the right time and how to exit when someone tells you, or to kiss or hug a guy/girl you totally don't like. Or if you don't want to wear what they give you, or if you just can't remember anything they tell you.

    I want to be an actress when I grow up as well, I've been doing theater since I was in the 3rd grade! Maybe when we're actors, we'll meet up in a movie!

  3. Well, hard is a vague word.

    It is by no means 'hard'  in my opinion, but you do have to work and put in effort.

    As long as you are consistent in your work habits and stay on top of things, it should fall into place. For most people, I've noticed that acting can copme very naturally, so long as you understand what you're doing.

    Therefore, all I can say is to stay on top of your work. Memorize lines, read through your parts and understand what you're doing. It also helps to look up the authors of plays, and understand what they're thinking by writting what it is you have to perform. Undrestand periods, if you're doing a historical play, and things like that.

    But, of course, here's what it comes down to:

    I can tell you all of this, but this is a class. You're going to be getting plenty of help and learn a lot from your teacher.

    Hard or not, be ready to put effort into the class and be open to what your teacher says. That's how you learn~~

  4. Theatre is all about prioritization, memorization, enthusiasm and other things with giant words! It is fun. A bit hard, but i am a freshman. I take drama 1-2. Acting is great!

  5. Yes theatre is very hard. the important question is are you ready to sacrifice alot of your time to rehearsals and auditions? are you willing to work unsocial hours? are you prepared that there are going to be many days, weeks months? when your out of work and will have to find other ways to make money!? there are so many reasons not to take this route but the most important thing about theatre is the enjoyment you get out of it! been on stage or seeing yourself on tv is an amazing feeling and the rewards are fantastic but as i was always told at auditions and univeristy auditions... 94% of actors never make it... my advice is to take it as an elective enjoy it and learn if when you've finished you still want to carry on then the best of luck! but it wont be easy!

  6. This might seem like a simplistic answer, but does it really matter if it's hard or not? No one ever got to be a professional actor by being afraid of hard work.

  7. it's only hard if you don't work for it...

    if you really want to get a good grade and do a good job,

    just do what your told and mesmerize things quickly, but if you slack off and do things at the last minute yeah it will be hard.

  8. Acting is a career like any other---it takes time, commitment and work. It's physically and emotionally and intellectually demanding. It's also fun, challenging, and can be incredibly fulfilling, if not particularly financially rewarding.

    Acting can be a hobby, as well as a career, and can be very helpful in learning to communicate and interact with other people, valuable skills in just about any career.

    A course in Theater Arts will be different from most of your other classes, but you may find it interesting, stimulating and a great part of your school experiences.

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