
For those of you who work at McDonalds OR Burger King...?

by Guest57082  |  earlier

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what is the grossest order you have taken for, assumably, one person (ie: one drink was ordered)? how much did they spend?

grosset order taken for a family? how much did they spend?

also, do you ever recognize people after awhile?




  1. i have worked at mc donalds for two years and the grosses thing that i have ever had as an order was a big mac add tartar sauce.. gross

    we have seen orders that are seventy dollars and my highest order taken was like 137

    yeas you recognize the regulars and stuff

  2. I worked at McDonald's in high school.  You do start to recognize people after awhile, there are lots of people who come in every day.

    The grossest order I ever took was when a woman came in with her 5 or 6 year old son.  They were both morbidly obese.  She bought him a happy meal, a supersize fry, and 2 double cheeseburgers. Just for him.  I don't remember what she ordered for herself, it's the kid that stood out in my mind.  

    He started stuffing the fries into his mouth as soon as I put them on the tray.  When she told him to wait until they got to the table he started screaming and crying and threw himself down on the ground.  It was like watching a junkie be told he couldn't have his fix.

    After they ate, she bought him a hot fudge sundae.  Because, he was still hungry...  It was just sad and disgusting to watch.  Usually when you see someone murdering their child you can call the police, but not in cases like this.  I could never work in fast food again because of people like that.

  3. I once saw someone order the food there! GROSS

  4. the grossest thing i ever sold was a Big Mac with Mayo. another was a Big Mac with Ketchup. how nasty is that?

    there is this family that come in in the mornings for breakfast and its mom dad and son. they are extremely obese and order 5 Double Sausage meals. 5!! for 3 people! and they eat it all. its disgusting really.

    and yes i have maybe 30 2 50 people/families that i see on a regular basis. maybe once a week or a few times a week. i have worked in McDonald's for 3 years so i see these people all the time! i love my regulars. and u even learn thier orders too haha :)

  5. I have worked at McDonald's for over 2 years.  You defiantly have regulars you get to know.  The ones that come in at the same time every day and usually even get the same thing.

    I've had customers spend as much as $30.00 before but that's big families.

    As far as what they ordered in my mind the grossest thing is when people want Tartar sauce to dip their fries in.  YUCK!!!!  Of course I hate Tartar anyway.

  6. iTS THE fat PEOPLE that buy stuff there that are gross.

    Mc Donald's are having to spend a fortune enlarging the doors so their customers can get in.

  7. I work 2 jobs and one of them is at BK. I can't really think of the grossest order but one old lady always orders her whopper juniors with tartar on them. And yes I recognize people. Literally the SAME people eat in there daily! Especially older people. there are like 3 different couples who eat there everyday and eat the same thing. Even when we had that huge snowstorm and got like 2 feet of snow they came!

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