
For those of you with 3 kids?

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is it hard and is it easy to love all 3 and give them all attention




  1. its not hard to love all of my children, i have 3 of my own, 2 step children and am almost 16 wks with my 4th our 6th child.  what i can say is difficult sometimes is giving the individual attention.  I have found that taking turns with each child to go somewhere with just mom and/or Dad is enjoyed by all the children no matter their age.

  2. I don't think it's hard at all to love them and give them all attention.  As one of 6 kids myself, I never felt that my parents doted on one of us more than another.  I believe that if you handle it right, no one will feel loved any less or that they receive any less attention.  

  3. i have 3 kids



    and bradley-1

    try and play games with them at the same time

    and tell them storys seperatl and tuck them into bed and kiss them and tell them you love them

  4. no not really. they are all different and special in their own way and i love them all the same.

  5. I have 3 ages 11, 9 and 6. It isn't hard to love and show attention to all 3. It just takes prioritizing. My kids will find me while in the bathroom, doing laundry, scrubbing floors or whatever for some mom time. Frequently while i mop my oldest sits on the counter and we have girl chats. While i make grocery lists my youngest plays games with me at the kitchen table.  My son uses the time at bedtime. We do many family things together and they all get attention but they use those as "special" mom and me times.  

  6. Mine are quite old- 16, 14 and 11, all girls. I don't really think it's hard to love them and give them attention, but I think you'd probably be better asking them! Problem is, I'm close to the 16 year old as she's the oldest, she's growing up, you can talk to her about more mature things. I'm close to the 11 year old due to the fact when the older two were at school, we'd go out for coffee with my friend and her daughter, but the middle one seems squished by the other two. She's still loved and she still gets attention, but she always thinks she's the odd one out.

  7. it's hard b/c they are all so different but want their same attention.  mine are 3 5 and 10. 3yr is the baby so he gets the attention regardless, my 5 is the middle and only girl, so she whines NON STOP and 10 just walks around mad at the world.  So what I stated doing is giving them each there day with mommy.  So far so good

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