
For those over 40. If you had to guage how you felt/experienced your life how would it be?

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To make it easier, give a percentage of how much of your life you feel is GOOD/HAPPY/FULFILLING or Medium/Neutral or BAD/HORRIBLE/PAINFUL.

BE as truthful as you can and don't let others answers deter you from telling YOUR truth about this.




  1. I am but a prosaic man. Not much to mention of the attained but salt of the earth am I for I abide to do those needful things that have fallen to my lot to do.

  2. since learn some good relationship skills (google it) in late 40s, my life just gets better and better.

  3. Hyundai Elantra Taxi driver has the best answer for u. anyway, his word of mouth fails with me. hee hee...

  4. 100% neutral.Change is the only constant. Maintaining neutrality despite change is the challenge.

  5. Right now, my life is a good 85% Good, Happy and Fulfilling.

    The other 15% are things I can't change.

    The title for my life would be "Out of the Darkness, into the Light."

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