
For those that don't like Randy Orton....Q inside?

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Are you starting to like him?

I was never a big fan of Orton's work, when he came out I wasn't that excited, but when he grabbed the mic and did that promo on the current Champions, then had his confrontation with CM Punk..I was truly impressed with his mic skills tonight..

Any other users who weren't or aren't Orton fans..

What are your thoughts?




  1. I hate WWE to core ....

  2. I didn't much care that Orton came out, either.  I do not like Randy Orton.  I was about to fast-forward through his spiel, but held off.  He's been gone a while, maybe he has something, at least different to say this time.  I thought he was going to do his usual "everybody sucks but me" promo...until he said the "lovesick teenager" bit about Beth Phoenix and got a huge pop for it.

    I can honestly say that that was the first promo Randy has done that didn't make me cringe and want to reach for the fast-forward button.  I, too, was very impressed with his promo.  The fact that I agreed with his assessments of the current RAW Champions surprised me, as well.  If I was in that crowd, I would have cheered his promo, too.

    I am not, by any means, a Randy Orton fan.  But that was the best promo I've ever seen him do, and he should be applauded for it.

  3. Yeah I'm not the biggest Orton fan either, but I will admit that interview easily put him back in the race for the no.1 heel in the WWE, reminiscent of a classic "HHH bury 'em" interview, that was great.

  4. Still needs alot of work....has improved over the years but not as good as people hype him up to be.

  5. i have always been a randy orton fan. his mic skills have improved a lot i was surprised.

  6. I like him as a heel I hope he stays heel

  7. randy orton is one of the best wrestlers on the planet on this day

    but if only he becomes a face

  8. i wasnt now im starting to like him idk why either.  that was great promo.

  9. I am a fan of Orton but I thought I would answer anyways...

    He is getting better with his mics skills every time he goes out there. I was never a fan of his mic work until around WM and right after that it just started to click with me..

  10. I was always a fan face or heel but his mic skills are getting better  

  11. I've always appreciated Orton, but I've felt he started slipping backwards as of late. His WWE Championship run was laughable at best.. he was the first champ I've ever seen become a mid-carder..

    With that said, it's looking like his return is going to be what he needs to get fresh again, to pick apart all of the RAW Champs one by one, then and try to punk out CM Punk was great.

    I personally am excited to see the legend killer return.

  12. I was never an orton fan. But after tonight, i do think alot of people was impressed! I did think all of us was going to see a good Randy orton like when he first became WWE champion. He did put on a good interview with CM punk. But CM did tell it like it was.. to make it more interesting for the match they will have one day.

  13. I thought it was really cool for him to chew out Raw.

  14. I've always said he's the future of the WWE.  I noticed tonight (and yes, I do know he was in his hometown..) that the crowd really, really, wants to cheer for him, even though he's a heel.  The last two guys I remember who could be so popular as heels are The Rock, and Stone Cold.  I'd say Orton is in very good company.  I hope he doesn't start a stable of any kind; I feel he's better as a loner...Im really starting to see this guy as "This Generation's" Stone Cold Steve Austin >:O

  15. i have always liked orton, he is one of the wwe top supersars. but yea i was impressed a little.

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