
For those that have a child with autism?

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How often does it really throw you a sucker punch? My daughter is 9-1/2 and moderately affected. I am at a great place of acceptance, but yesterday got a major autism slap. She was outside playing with the neighborhood kids, got upset, and was having a tantrum, hitting the side of her head and screaming ala Rainman at the airport. I guess I was getting to comfortable with things. Who else has had this experience, and about how often does it happen to you?




  1. One of the reasons she may have had the tantrum is because she does not have the skills to react differently in the situation.  Autism is a social and commuication disablity and kids on the spectrum need to be taught the social things we without autism learn through observation.  Try to figure out why she got upset.  Was it because she was not being listened to?  Did she not understand the rules of the game or thought that it was unfare?  Use those autism slaps as red flags that she needs to be taught a skill so she can cope with that situation better next time.

  2. I looked after a girl aged 3.5years and like you said I for comfortable with things-when i was reading a story to the group she was facing wrong way so without really thinking about it I said "***** can you turn around" (sorry cant use names) she literally got up span around and sat down! Forgot how literal takes things!!! hehe

  3. My cousin has autism and I am around him almost everyday, but he hasn't had a tantrum of any sort that I have seen.  

  4. My daughter (5yrs) doesn't have autism, but she does suffer from a syndrome that has autism-like outbursts.  When this happens to my daughter it is usually because she is frustrated as she doesn't communicate like other "typical" children do.

    Yes, it does throw you for a loop because it brings you back to "reality", for lack of a better word.  Your heart just drops, because you are seeing your daughter's disability vs. all of her other wonderful assets.  It is who she is and it will happen on the occasion, just remember how wonderful she.

    I have found that my daughter loves music, and when I start to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" she just starts to beam.  That is the child that makes me know that life is worth living and keeps me going.

    You can see her riding her bike here:

  5. I work with children with Autism. Whenever they have isolated aggressions, we ignore it and redirect them to what they were previously doing or another activity. This happens on an everyday basis. Most of the children are aggressive during tantrums as well. I would try not to give too much attention to the aggressions since it might serve as positive reinforcement.

  6. She was trying to communicate that she had reached her threshold. That is why the tantrum occurred. Something might have triggered it.  Or something was not right in her world. Could have been anything. Best thing you could do is remover her form the situation, and let her "chill out", or redirect her.

    I work with low functioning teenager with autism, there is this one child that has a tantrum like you describe  ie: slapping her face so hard it makes her nose bleeds. This happens when things are out of place. Or things are not right in her world.

    You are a loving and caring parent. You do have a unquie and special daughter. She is luck to have you as her Mom.

  7. Does your daughter not usually throw tantrums? Is that what surprised you?

    We all have those moments. Anyone who has a child with autism has had this experience on more than one occasion. A friend of my child, told me when I picked him up from school, that he was crying on the playground over a disagreement with another student about pretend play. My son was 8 1/2 when this happened.

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