
For those that have gone to Costa Rica?

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Have you seen snakes down there. If so, what kind were they?




  1. Yes there are snakes in Costa Rica.  Two types are very poisionous.One is called a terciapella (sp), that's a coral snake i think, can't remember the name of the other BAD BOY.  Lots of others   boas, green garden snakes, black snakes.  I have seen several over the past ten years.  I know personally several people and dogs that have been bitten buy the VERY bad ones, and to date all of them are still alive & well.  When hiking thru the jungle aka rainforest, the guide or leader always carries a machete just in case.  Workers chopping weeds with machetes always wear heavy rubber boots.  The snakes are most often seen in the rainy season when they are looking for food or a dry place to be.

  2. I lived in Costa Rica and I did see snakes, including a small coralillo which is very poisonous. Having said that, I never heard of anybody being bitten by one.

  3. I visited the Eastern Coast, Puerto Limon.   Didn't see or come across any snakes.

  4. Its not the snakes in Costa Rica that you have to worry about!

    Its those dam little poisonous Red tree frogs!

    They are actually so poisonous that if you just look at them and they look back at you - you die!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But good luck anyway!


  5. I personally haven't gone, but my aunt and uncle have gone down there for missionary work, and are considering moving down there because they love it and the people so much.  I don't think they have seen any snakes, or if they have, they were harmless ones.  So nothing to worry about.  My motto about snakes, if you stay out of their way, they'll stay out of yours. =)

  6. I went to Costa Rica on vacation a few years ago, and I did not see any snakes while I was there.

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