
For those that need help to see, Do you prefer contacts or eyeglasses and Why the choice??

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I am getting my eyes checked out and I am pretty sure I will need some type of vision help which would you choose eyeglasses, or contacts??




  1. Using both,started off with glasses,got used to contacts,now i just mix using them.I suggest getting use to both cos you need to  

    let your eyes breathe from over using contacts.Contacts takes time to learn to use and take them out,you'll get frustrated at first..Glasses can be quite attractive when you choose the right frames and color.

  2. Both! have at least one pair of glasses you can use to watch tv and other things at home. I mean, why would you want to wear contacts 10 in the evening watching tele... On the other hand, I'm planning to get contacts, cos glasses are annoying to take out and wear everytime I drive or view notes in class. Depends on your level of comfort. Try glasses first, and if you experience something like me, then get contacts.

  3. I prefer contacts because I can see better and I don't get teased as often than I did when I wore glasses.

  4. I wear my glasses,I have never worn contacts...the whole putting your finger in your eye thing never appealed to me,plus I don't feel like myself without my glasses,they complete me.Besides,I'm not that great looking without them anyway.I think what would be best for you is to get glasses at first if it turns out you do need them,and then try contacts,but keep your glasses just in case you're unable to wear contacts in case one falls out,or you get an eye infection.

  5. I prefer contacts.  I wore glasses all throughout school, and by the end of high school, I was tired of them.  I like the freedom of contacts.  I also love having peripheral vision that is clear.  Comfort-wise, it's nice not having to deal with glasses slipping down my nose all the time.

  6. I wear contacts because i do way too many sports to wear glasses. But i did once have glasses though... I guess it is up to you if you feel like wearing glasses then get them, if you can handle taken care of contacts then get them. If you need both like me then get both, it is a personal decision.

  7. I prefer contacts - probably just a vanity thing. I wore glasses my whole childhood and was alienated by bullies, so, even that I'm older now, and not in school, I just feel better wearing contacts. I do wear my glasses from time to time, but I feel most comfortable with contacts. I do love the glasses look on most other people though, I think they look hot on certain guys!! ♥

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