
For those who've taken Amtrak before?

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I am traveling alone for the first time...and on a train 1100 miles. I've booked a ticket with Amtrak and was wondering if anyone could tell me what to expect. I'll be one train for about 20hrs soo....I kind of want to know what to expect. Aside from that do you know how many cars there are attached to the train and about how many coach seats are in each one? I leave tomorrow so an answer as soon as possible would be great. Thank you very much in advance.




  1. First your route is important because Eastern trains and Western trains use different equipment. Western trains are Superliner and Eastern Trains are 90% Heritage class/Viewliners, Turbotrains, or the new Metroliners called ACELA. All use different equipment for each route. I always recommend First class because your meals are free. First class is Bedroom, Roomette, or Suite. Slumbercoach is sleeping car but you WILL PAY THROUGH THE NOSE for meals. Most trains are made up of one engine,baggage car, coaches, cafe or dinette, sleepers and maybe a dome coach in the rear.  Canada's VIA has a similar set-up with coaches.

    So good luck on your trip and take a look around the train you be amazed.

    Dive Bomber Travel

  2. They have a smoking car and a sky lounge.

    I like eating in the Dining car with strangers, it's very old-timey.

    Usually there are about 12 cars including dinner sleepers and the sky lounge, like on the empire builder line, as well as other luggage cars. Bring a good book and an activity.

    One nice thing is you can get up and move around.

    I love the train.

  3. arrive early limit your bags to two that you can carry,food and drinks are steep on the train,get a aisle seat or single window seat not near restroom ,you won't get any if you buy food at station and take on trian with you snaks and sodas,ipod ,good book,20 hrs not to bad try 4days across country

  4. Amtrak is actually very nice. Most long distance trains have about 10 to 12 cars. Most also have a full service dining car as well as a snack bar area. Many show movies in the lounge/view car and all seats are about the width of a first class airline seat & have a pull out foot rest which allows you to stretch out. There are even decent restrooms with running water and plenty of power outlets to charge cell phones etc. I'm sure you will like it! Good luck!

  5. My Mom took the Amtrak from the north to my place in the south this year.  She has done it for several years now and usually tolerates it well.  Take snacks to eat as the food is expensive and not convenient.  Also bring a pillow and blanket or they will charge you for one.  Each car has about 60 coach seats and there are several cars on each train.  This years trip was a bit different though as her train broke down.  She added a taxi and a bus to her trip just to catch the next train.  It was an inconvenience, but she would do it again.  She hates to fly!  If you are not afraid to fly, it is usually cheaper and faster to fly!

  6. oh boy are you going to have fun,but what seating did you take,sleeper,day car,take money cause things are pricey on Amtrak,and yes i have traveled all over on Amtrak and its fun fun fun. going across up north or down south?. meet a lot of nice people too! some times i have carried my lunches with me in my carry on bag,things are costly twice or more as much as on the street. you only live once

  7. I travelled from New York to Newport News Va. in October this year. This was my first trip in a train in the U.S. I found it clean,comfortable and the rail staff were courteous and in fact were a good laugh! The buffet car was O.K. & the coffee was great! The seating was comfortable compared to the plane I flew to the States in! I can't say how many seats were in each car but you will have plenty of room!Enjoy your trip!

    Merry Christmas!

  8. The seats are large and comfortable. You'll probably still want to bring a pillow and perhaps a blanket.

    You can get a full meal in the dining car or snack food in the snack car, but the prices are a bit high. You ARE allowed to bring your own food and drinks; get a handheld cooler and pack it full of eats and drinks.

    Music. or books. Or both. It's a long ride. If you are bringing music you need to have something that has a pair of headphones. Just remember that everyone may not like the same music that you do.

    Trains are fairly smooth, but remember they do sway. When you walk around, be sure to keep one hand on a seat so that an unexpected bump doesn't knock you down.


  9. well did you only book coach seats or with a sleeper?

    (if you booked a sleeper your meals are included

    (if you only book coach seats then you will have to pay in the dinner..

    as for how many cars attached to the train -it could

    few as 3 to as many or maybe 10 to 12

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