
For those who advocate abstinence to prevent teenage pregnency, isn't it prudent to have a backup plan?

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What if it fails? What do you do then?

Is contingency planning a mark of good leadership?




  1. We need to be teaching abstinence as well as safe s*x practices. We can tell young kids not to have s*x all we want, but if they decide to do it anyway they need to have the knowledge to protect themselves against STD's and unplanned pregnancies. It's the same as drinking. We can tell underage kids not to drink, but they need to know that if they do, they need to find a sober ride. Knowledge is power. Step 1: Teach not to engage in drinking and or s*x. Step 2: Teach them what to do if they find themselves in that situation. Step three teach consequences. Having a back-up plan is a great sign of leadership. A good leader is prepared for all situations.

  2. NJDay took the words right out of my mouth.

  3. why would you need a back up plan if you are not engaging in s*x?  if our teens would continue to not have s*x then our kids would be getting a better education because the money used to teach s*x ed in school could be used to insure that our graduates could read and write.

  4. You can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink. Comprende

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