
For those who are familiar with evolution: are there fossils showing the process of evolution of the human?

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I remember learning about this in my science class, there were some fossils found in Africa and many other places around the world. I would like to see the names they are called by so I may see some pictures of the process of evolution between a mammal into a humanoid creature. The names of the fossils and such are irritably at the tip of my tongue so I can't recall. Thanks in advance.




  1. Boy, now you are asking for proof that we humans were not always as advanced as we are now and suggesting that at some point in the distant past, we might have been less intelligent, less..developed.

    I don't have a clue where you could look...let me see...Oh! maybe you could find something like a little box attached to a little window-like thingy, possibly attached to a little sort of board with little symbols on it that can be depressed when you touch them with your fingers, you know the four next to that opposing digit we call a thumb.

    Maybe this contraption is somehow connected to a little plate in the wall with a two pronged thingy and this connection will give this box energy. You will need another thin wire, actually a couple of wires wrapped most likely in plastic that will allow you to talk to someone a long way off.

    Of course all these things are mentioned in the bible because people had all these things just a little over 5,000 years ago and used them to not only explain why evolution is invalid but kept all their biblical records on these little boxes so that we moderns can now pull this information up and see what people back then actually said and did. Or, maybe not.

    You could use this equipment when nobody is looking and maybe find these names you are searching for. You can also decide that the names are all invalid and made up by evil people, we call them "liberals". They are usually the ones in science where these lies all originate.

    These evil scientists are suggesting that we, the modern human animal, has not always been as advanced as we are today and maybe even that these little boxes you can now use to do your search were nowhere to be seen back about biblical times. They are even saying that our brain was not always as large as it is now and maybe that it was not always constructed as it is now.

    This, of course, implies the scientific lie of evolution; or, is it a lie? Maybe they are correct.

    Do your own research and decide for yourself. But, remember this, believing in a scientific discovery is not required by everyone. You do not have to..."believe" evolution.

    Believing is for claims that are not proven, claims for which there is evidence. You may spend your time and intellect in any manner you choose. You are not required to try to understand anything really. If you want to understand human history a great volume of work has been completed by a multitude of well educated fellow humans; most of these works are available to you through this little box I mentioned. You can use it to ask superficial questions or…you can use it to free yourself from the shackles of ignorance, so popular with the multitude. The choice is yours.

    A couple of hints. Why do most mammals not have opposing thumbs like us, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, great Apes and Bonobos?

    Why do remains of past humanoids look differently than the remains of humans that lived just thousands of years ago?

    Who is Cro Magnon and who is Neanderthal Man? Who is Australopithecine? And, if you are really interested and want to go as far back as research has taken us in the search of our ancestors,   who is Aegyptopithecus?

    This should get you started. Good luck.

  2. yes, there are fossils showing the evolution of humans. Unfortunately, they are scattered across the globe in hundreds of museums. try searching a college level text book for the names of all the hominid ancestors of humans and then doing a Google image search fro them

  3. Yep, of course we can't assume that we have a complete fossil record - it's likely far from complete and many or most of these fossil may be from 'cousin' species to our direct ancestors. But to illustrate the broad trend, there are insect eating mammals like Plesiadapis and Carpolestes in the early Tertiary, then things like Teilhardina, then "monkeys" like Aegyptopithecus and Proconsul which is getting very ape like. Later there is Pierolapithecus then Sahelanthropus tchadensis then Orrorin which are definate apes. Then we come to hominids in the Pliocene, starting with Ardipithecus, then half a dozen species of Australopithecus, followed by half a dozen Homo species, however you split them up.

  4. Yes.

  5. If you go to a natural history museum you will get the answers you are looking for. Didn't you learn about this in grade school or high school biology?

    Also, you said "...between a mammal into a humanoid creature". Humans are of course mammals. We just evolved from one primate to another.

  6. Greg is an idiot.

    Lucy is not a hoax, she is an example of australopithecus afarensis, and not the only example.

    There has been one hoax regarding antecessor species (species of man that are on our family tree and may be ancestors). It was Piltdown Man. Of course the religious nutters keep claiming everything is a hoax, because if you want to believe their nonsense then it all has to be a hoax, doesn't it?

    But you wanted names, pictures and links:


    Paranthropus robustus

    Australopithecus anamensis

    Australopithecus afarensis

    Kenyanthropus platyops

    Homo erectus, also known as Java Man and Peking Man

    Homo habilis

    Homo neanderthalensis

    Homo floresiensis

  7. Try googling major museums !

  8. They are still looking for those missing links.

    Someone mentioned Lucy, He should keep up with the information. It was found to be a hoax.

  9. You should go to ASU and see their fossils of "lucy"..I think it's Australopithecus afarensis.

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