
For those who are good at Arabic?

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Do you know the proper translation of Yahweh into Arabic




  1. im not at all good at Arabic =P



    Is it right? Am I gonna get a BA?!! Goody!

    EDIT: Err, it says Yahweh, not Jehovah. As far as I know, Jehovah is just a spelling variant.

    This shows up for Jehovah!

    I don't know what Arabic you want the translation in.

  3. Sorry, i dont know arabic.

    But thanks for stopping the clone.

    It was really not funny.

  4. Well, I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for here, I'm guessing a transliteration?

    The name Yahweh is the English rendition of YHWH (יהוה). Yahweh transliterated into Arabic is: يهوه (Yahwah) or يهويه (Yahweeh) or يهوايه. (Yahwaayh). Arabic doesn't have the short vowel (weh), so you'll have to take a pick to which comes closest in sound for you. I would use the first transliteration.

    I would suggest you use the terms Elohim or HaShem instead of YHWH, since they can be better transliterated. If you would like that, let me know.

  5. يهوى

    yes i know. but its a proper name not the verb. i didn't translate it, i heard Arab Jews say it like that.

  6. I think it's "ياوي" according to the spelling i have listen to.

    Edit: you want the spelling or similar English word to it?

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