
For those who are married........?

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How were you proposed too or how did you propose?




  1. One night after watching the Devils Rejects, we just randomly started talking about it and then said to each other "let's get married". I thought it was funny, cute, and perfectct to me in every way.

    My hubby and I aren't really into all the mushy stuff so no actual 'down on one knee' proposal. I don't need the flowers, the chocolates, or the fancy dinners to be swept off my feet.  

  2. At a Baseball game..yeah in front of everyone.

  3. husband asked my parents trying to do it the old-fashioned proper way and immediately, my stupid mother came to me and tole me he was going to propose...well, I told my fiance that because we do not hide anything from each other.  Of course he was totally pissed and told me that I still had to wait...well, we had to go to our church to drop off something and he took me in our sanctuary and already had the lights down low and proposed the very spot that we got married a few months later.  Even if my mom tried to ruin it, it was still special.  Good luck man...

  4. took me to this private place in the garden in with my eyes blind folded, then i saw "will you marry me" on a big poster.

  5. I was very caught off guard when my fiance proposed. It was a few days after Christmas and we both were laying in bed one afternoon. He looked at me and just blurted out "marry me". I was stunned and didn't know how to react because we had only been together for about 10 months at that point and I was like, is he pulling my leg?? I looked into his eyes and realized that he was serious. I of course said yes. This was all done without any ring.

    In the weeks to follow he took me around to different jewerly stores to get an idea of what I liked. Then in May we were on Nantucket vacationing with my cousin and her husband. One early morning after breakfast he really wanted to go see the beach behind the house we were staying in, so I walked down there with him. The beach was quiet and peaceful at that hour. I spotted some seals out in the water and when I turned to him to point them out, he was holding the ring. Needless to say I forgot all about the seals. He again asked me to marry him and then put the ring on my finger.  

  6. There wasn't really a big moment for me, we just kind of agreed that it was the best thing to do since my husband lives a country where it is illegal to have relations before marriage, but he was the one to bring it up, very slowly over a few months, cuz he was really shy about it.

  7. we were down on the water front with the moon on the water and he asked me that way.

  8. Umm I'm not married... yet... Engaged. I Proposed over a text message... Yeah I know your instant reaction is like uhh wtf! But for some private reasons its actually really romantic for us. Later when she showed up at home she came in and saw a candle lit dinner for 2, roses everywhere and her favorite meal. And me down on one knee with a box in my hand. Also after there was a romantic ambiance in the bedroom that we uhh had fun in.

  9. OK, I'm not, but a friend of mine did an awesome proposal. He took her out for chinese food and at the end of the meal, the message inside her fortune cookie read "Will you marry me?" He set it up ahead of time with the cookie and the waiters in the restaurant. At their wedding, by the guest book, they had a glass dome with the cookie and fortune inside it for all to see. It was really cool.  

  10. he had just got done with basic training for the air force and was in tech school. I went to go visit him for thanksgiving. he proposed in our hotel room, he put the ring behind a movie i wanted really bad, so when i took the movie from him i saw the box. :)

  11. My now-husband proposed to me at a park where they have a huge annual fireworks display. We spent the day there, and had a picnic and a great time, then he got down on one knee during the show and asked me! It was so romantic!  

  12. i was proposed to

    he did it privately, just the two of us

  13. Are you gonna steal my proposal?


    I took my wife to a state park and brought a cooler with steaks and all the trimmings. but then, we're the outdoor, red-meat-eating types.

  14. While walking on the beach our feet was covered in sand and he kneeled down to brush the sand from our feet and then said while i am down here i need to ask you something....i thought he was gonna ask when was the last time you had a pedicure, but instead he asked me to spend the rest of my life with him and i said YES.  

  15. Actually it was really funny...

    He asked me only 3wks after we had been dating and i thought it was a joke so of course i said no.

    Then he kept on asking me and i thought ' is this guy serious? '

    Well turns out he was - very serious.

    He asked me one night when he was driving me home - just out of the blue - ' will u marry me' and i just said 'ok'

    Needless to say we about crashed lol

    I love him more than anything and if i thought for a second that he was serioius that 1st time i would have said yes then and there.

    I dont recommend doing this.. but it was perfect to me.  

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