You are against abortion. You feel you can judge what life must come to the world, which perhaps will suffer a LOT more than if it were ended early on. I am not talking 2nd or third trimester severance, but early on. If a woman in some kind of TRUE desperation, who's been abandoned, is too young to know how to minister toward a child, a rape victim, a child who is discovered to be born deformed, severely retarded, a child who'll spend a miserable life in orphanages, foster homes...instead of loudly protesting the end of such a challenged life, would you JUST offer yourself, instead of just "talking", because talk is cheap, and everyone knows it...Would you come forward and offer to adopt, take full responsibility for that unwanted child if it is not aborted and it is encouraged to come into this world?
Or does your concern stop with your protest?
Don't you think it is hypocritical to defend an early life in the womb, if after it comes to term and it is delivered, you'll just say; "well at least it was not aborted for decency's sake!" But not take your responsibility for it, and with genuine concern assume the care it deserves?
Is there not a bit, or MUCH hypocritical judgmental thinking in your protest?
What would you offer as a solution to both the desperate woman you are judging should not abort for decency's sake, value of life...even "God" being concerned with the "preciousness" of life?
What are YOU - Ready - to offer another unwanted child come into this world...FROM YOURSELF!!!
Anyone else, pro-choicers, may as well make your statements...welcome all!
But let us not Bulls***!