
For those who are pro-life; a serious question for you???

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You are against abortion. You feel you can judge what life must come to the world, which perhaps will suffer a LOT more than if it were ended early on. I am not talking 2nd or third trimester severance, but early on. If a woman in some kind of TRUE desperation, who's been abandoned, is too young to know how to minister toward a child, a rape victim, a child who is discovered to be born deformed, severely retarded, a child who'll spend a miserable life in orphanages, foster homes...instead of loudly protesting the end of such a challenged life, would you JUST offer yourself, instead of just "talking", because talk is cheap, and everyone knows it...Would you come forward and offer to adopt, take full responsibility for that unwanted child if it is not aborted and it is encouraged to come into this world?

Or does your concern stop with your protest?

Don't you think it is hypocritical to defend an early life in the womb, if after it comes to term and it is delivered, you'll just say; "well at least it was not aborted for decency's sake!" But not take your responsibility for it, and with genuine concern assume the care it deserves?

Is there not a bit, or MUCH hypocritical judgmental thinking in your protest?

What would you offer as a solution to both the desperate woman you are judging should not abort for decency's sake, value of life...even "God" being concerned with the "preciousness" of life?

What are YOU - Ready - to offer another unwanted child come into this world...FROM YOURSELF!!!


Anyone else, pro-choicers, may as well make your statements...welcome all!

But let us not Bulls***!





  1. I'm pro life. I don't "judge" women who have abortions because yes it is their decision.  I'd just rather they not abort because I do believe life begins at conception.  If you make the choice to have s*x you should be ready for the consequences (children, stds, etc). In the case of deformed or "retarded" children, they are still children.  They are still humans who have the potential to live great lives.  Just because they aren't "normal" doesn't mean they shouldn't live. It's not about YOU, how selfish can you be to think this baby is going to harm MY life, did you not decide to give it life when you had s*x? I understand you can say what about rape victims? They didn't ask for that child. Put your child up for adoption.  I'm adopting when I'm older and financially stable. I don't see any hypocritical judgemental thinking in my protest because as a nursing major I have learned life really does start at conception.  So you ask what I'm ready to offer an unwanted child? LOVE. The thing it should be given from the first moment its known to exist.  

  2. I am pro-life for my reasons and while you are entitled to your opinion I am entitled to my own as well.  I was a high risk pregnancy as well and I went along and had my son knowing d**n well that I may die during labor.  But I did it. I did it because I know how precious a child is and I could not imagine being selfish.  And everything, thank God, turned out fine. But here is my thing, if a woman gets pregnant and doesn't want the child, most states have safe haven laws, and obviously adoption. There are so many women out there that can not have kids but would love them.  I know it's hard to do, to give up your baby, but it should be a lot easier than aborting them.

  3. Um what exactly is the question here? I'm not a diehard Catholic, but I do believe that destroying a life is wrong. So I am pro life

    However, I recently loosened up a bit on my opinion. While I still think it is ABSOLUTELY wrong to kill your baby just because you're a s**t who slept around and got knocked up, I do think it is perfectly okay to abort only if you have been raped. The baby was in no way shape or form your fault, and you definitely did not plan it nor ask to be raped, so you can abort the baby.

    I also think that as long as you are saving a life with your baby one way or another it is okay. What I mean is that, okay fine, a s**t who slept around and is quite possibly poor is in no condition to raise a baby, and we all know the bad reputation foster homes have. Still she should not kill that innocent child UNLESS she is using the stem cells from that child to potentially save or prolong millions and millions of lives.

    You see, stem cells are freshly created cells - they have no purpose yet. They can be genetically turned into brain cells (which then could be inserted in the brains of those suffering from Alzheimer's, curing them!) or nerve cells (which could be used in the same way to cure those who suffer from Parkinson's)

    So in my opinion, yes abortion is wrong. By aborting a baby you are stopping a life and therefore murdering your own flesh and blood. However, if you are in no shape to provide for a baby, and you do desperately want an abortion, it is okay to have one as long as you make some good come out of it. When you have an abortion and just leave the fetus to die, it does no good to anybody and is just a life wasted. But when you give the fetus to science, it can be used for the benefit of millions, and is in no way a waste.

    I'm sorry but your statement got very rant-like after a little bit and I wasn't really able to see where your question is. Are you asking what I would do if I desperately did not want a child and got pregnant? It depends. If I am pregnant cos I was being irresponsible and S****y, than it's totally my fault and I should keep the child. But if I got pregnant because I was raped or if I really had NO way to provide for the child - which is the case right now - I would most likely have an abortion but make something good come out of my innocent child's life by donating his or her body to science.

    And yes, I plan to adopt children.

    By the way, less than 1% of pregnancies are because of rape.

  4. Aren't there waiting lists for parents who want to adopt?  I think there are.  They have to wait for a baby to come available.  That's why many go overseas to adopt a baby sooner.

    As far as someone making a determination that a fetus is going to have a rotten life, well, there are about a million examples of people who had extremely difficult lives who went on to become some of the most important, influential people in the world.  Look into it.  It's true.

    And, by the way, my niece is severely retarded and we love her very much.  There is a lot of love, patience, understanding and compassion that we have learned from her presence in our lives.

    I don't believe in abortion.  I'd adopt a baby, I have no problem with that.  I have several friends who were adopted.  

  5. I agree with pro-choice. But then again there SHOULD be a limit to how many abortions a woman may have.... I mean imagine 3 abortions in a year??? That would be crazy... But then again its up to the person bearing the child....

  6. I was raped and got pregnant . yes I did think about abort the baby but I could not go against god . I have three friends who has abortion. I can not judge them only by there for them. if I had the chance I will take a unwanted baby anytime. sometime I wish I had abort my baby girl but I am so glad I did not. I love her very much. problems and all  

  7. No, you are wrong. I agree that you shouldn't be hypocritical. But my mom went through 2 abortions because her mom forced her to when she was 15 years old.

    Now she lives with regret every day of her life because she knows that she killed what could have been an amazing child. Who knows, maybe the child you kill with abortion will be our next great president.

    If you have been raped or you just don't want to have a baby, then there ARE plenty of wonderful families out there who would love to have a child of their own.

    So yes, I am most deffinitely pro-life, because it is the exact same thing as murdering.

    And if you are pro-choice, then you are being hypocritical by saying murder is wrong and abortion isn't.  

  8. I know plenty of other females who have had abortions. I have always given them the option of letting me have their baby. Yes I would give myself for that unborn child. Regardless if the father deserves to be shot for raping a woman.  

  9. It's simple- if you don't want to have a baby, then use protection or don't have s*x.  Why should a baby suffer for a stupid misjudgement?  Every life has a purpose and a meaning.  I had similiar opinions to yours, not as abrasive but similiar until I had my 2 babies.  I look at my 2 beautiful babies and want to cry to think that someone could terminate a pregnancy all situations aside.    Its very sad to think of how many people these days have infertility problems (just check out the TTC section of Answers) and how badly they would love to hold a baby that they can call their own and watch that child grow and then there are people that use abortion like birth control.  Its actually quite sick.

  10. I would definitely rather give my baby a chance instead of killing a baby...a human being!  Who are you to judge and decide who dies?  Everything happens for a reason and I know that some terrible things happen but you're willing to kill a baby JUST IN CASE it might have something wrong with him/her?  What the h*ll's wrong with this picture???? Abortion okay?  No not at all...every baby conceived deserves the chance to have life.  You have a horrible way of thinking in my the bible!

  11. as long as abortion is not considered as birth control which is absolutly not..every single woman should feel free of to decide rather she wants to take on the challenge of motherhood or not..for whatever reason..she decides over her body.

    it makes me sick thinking one day there will be no more choice..and pro life will be the way it is..and girls and women look at their kids and see th face of the man that raped them or even worse have their fathers uncles etc kids and had no choice.

    and babies that are deformed..unable to ever enjoy or understand the life they are forced to live...i hope it will never happen...

  12. I am against abortion in ALL instances. I have adopted 2 special need kids .One as an infant and one as a young teen. I have  a good friend who ONLY adopts babies with Downs.There are  many of us out there that already and willing to step up to the plate.I have many friends that have adopted because they are unable to have bio children..they ALL agree ,they do not care how or why the baby was conceived ,just that because a woman put the life of her unborn first,they now have a child to raise and love.I am certain there are many more people that feel the same way I do.

    As a side note ; it's not that 'we' care what you do to yourself it's that we care what you do to your baby.  And as far as how far along is too far along . A babies neurological system is the first to develop,which means even VERY early the baby can feel the pain of  being aborted!


    SONYA B    God Bless you!!  You are a wonderful example of true love for your baby!! Keep telling your story

  13. my wife and i have gotten into many heated debates over this topic.

    she stands her ground on pro life and refuses to understand that there ARE extenuating  circumstances such as the one you spoke of.

    i believe in pro life up to a certain point, if a woman is attacked she should not be forced to carry to term a child. i stand VERY firm on that.

    i have seen the horrors of, yes i used the word horrors, of deformed babies and it hurts my heart to think of them and how they must try and deal with a world that is h**l bent on judging someone on how they look.

    it may seem cruel to some when i say those children should be and would be better at peace with the lord than have to face a world of self righteous narcissistic bigots that would rather turn a blind eye than help someone in need...........

    i'm going to end my answer now, this is upsetting me.

  14. i think that it is up to the woman, and no one else. who are we to preach to those in such a situation such as that, especially since most have never had to deal with it, therefore don't understand?

    it's her body, it's her baby, and she's the only one who knows wether or not she can provide that child with the quality of life it deserves.

  15. I'm trying very hard to adopt another child.  I do believe that in a few very hard cases, that abortion could be acceptable, especially where the case may be that the child's life wouldn't be where he/she could ever have any chance of survival in a normal sense.

    Quite frankly, if you know of any of these unwanted kids, e-mail me.  I'm homestudy approved and everything!

  16. As a man who does not have to go through pregnancy I find it hard to answer..

    As such I dont believe in abortion per se..But if there are medical grounds and no other option then perhaps it is right ..

    However, retrospection can not always be a good thing..

    I will say nothing more here..

  17. I have found through college papers and research that the majority of abortions are done with women who weren't ready for children and they also were more likely to have more abortions. if the woman had  one abortion and wasn't ready for that then she will have another one and sometimes another one after that.

    the second highest rank in women getting abortions were women that didn't want raise a child that had a special need.

    after that it was women who had a tubal pregnancy. the lowest percentage was the women who were raped and like the wonderful mom who posted that kept her child, they kept their children as well.

    so it looks like the ones getting abortions are the self centered women who cant practice abstinence.

    and to the person who said that deformed children were horrors, God gave these people children that had these physical characteristics for a reason and this is why you don't have children like this because you wouldn't be able to handle the extra stress. there are lots and lots of families waiting to adopt any and all kinds of children and just because you don't know of any doesn't mean that they aren't out there. I think your being judgmental.

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