
For those who are ttc and have had miscarriages?

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how many times have you had a miscarriage, after how many miscarriages did you have a baby? at how many weeks did you miscarry? after how many weeks of ur miscarriage did you fall pregnant again? did you ever investigate and find out why you were miscarrying?




  1. 1. Two consecutive miscarriages

    2. Became pregnant after my two miscarriages. Pregnancy is 23 weeks now

    3. 6w2d with the first and approximately 6 weeks with the second.

    4. My second miscarriage happened 10 weeks after my first, and I became pregnant again with my current successful pregnancy about 11 weeks after my second miscarriage

    5. Yes. Had a diagnostic laparoscopy in February 08 that found stage 3 endometriosis.

  2. 1 miscarriage at 8 1/2 weeks still not pregnant after 6 months of trying again never investigated it no

  3. Hi,

    2 miscarriages so far. One 8years ago unplanned, miscarried at about 6/7 weeks, think it was due to a complicated situation (drink spiked and other issues & stress).

    2nd miscarriage in April only 5 weeks in, probably just not meant to be.

    been TTC now for nearly 1year and still hoping x

  4. 1 miscarriage then 2 perfect kids, now 2.5 and 1 years.

    I got pg about 5-6 weeks after my D&C.

    I never found out why, I feel there was something wrong with the baby.  Miscarriages are mother nature's quality control (most of the time).

    Best wishes.

  5. 5 m/c in total.

    3 live,then 1 m/c,then 1 live,then 4 m/c.

    9 wks,early?,early ?,7+ wks,9+ wks.

    i get pregnant very easily so when ttc again got caught 1st time of ttc.the early m/c's wasn't planned.

    NAD after investigation,although its thought i may m/c due to progesterone levels not being sustained and support will be given when pregnant again.

    my ph level in the v****a is sometimes to alkaline  resulting in bacterial vaginosis which may also be a problem.

    I'm going to have baby asprin to stop over clotting daily and antibiotics every 4 wks for the b/v until my 20th wk.

    ttc this month.doing the 2ww now.

  6. Miscarriage 2003

    Successful pregnancy 2005 (Both of those times unplanned)

    Miscarriage March 17 2008

    Pregnancy a couple of weeks later, now 22 weeks pregnant

    Both my miscarriages were early on, I don't know why they happened, I just guess that it wasn't meant to be those two times.

  7. 1





  8. 5 misscariages at 6-12 weeks

    3 healthy pregnancies after.

    reason was rhesus factor of blood (quite common)

    if blood id rhesus negative, and babys rhesus postive, your antibodies kill off the babys causing miscarriage.

    having a shot, stops this from happening again. the shot is given after a failed preganancy to clear the way for other babys.

    check with your doctor, ask for your blood type.

  9. i have had 1 miscarriage at 6 weeks

    and got pregnant just 2 weeks after my miscarriage

    i had a miscairage because of me and my babys blood type, i am rhs neg and the baby was rhs positive and my blood mixed with the babys and my immune system  produced antibodies against my baby's blood, which can cause anaemia and other problems in the baby or in my case caused my miscarriage.

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