
For those who believe, whats your opinion of Sylvia Browne?

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I'm a psychic medium myself and have experienced many wonderous things but I have a tough time getting to grips with Sylvia Browne I just dont like the vibes I get from her.

Am a member of an elite Spiritual Website I know that various people are more prone to liking Sylvia as opposed to those who like John Edwards.

There will always be different people who like one Psychic more than another and as such the guidance and information I get from those are those that go against my own Psychic Judgement.




  1. for some reason i feel shes not passionate about her work, and i feel like she makes stuff up.i love john edwards though!

  2. I  think she used to be good, but fame and fortune have ruined her, I almost went to her myself, would have but couldnt dig up enough money, I was pretty desperate at the time. But the more I researched her and all and watched her on tv a few times, I got some pretty bad vibes myself. Glad I didnt do it.  

  3. I am fairly skeptical about psychics... I do not look down on them or think they are particularly evil, but the bible says that is wrong.  I know it exists, but I think it for the wrong reason why people get into it... I do not think it is something you are born with... To answer your question, I don't care much for either of their stories and predictions..  

  4. She seems to have a great connection through the mind.. she has few iffy moments, but she is almost more than half the percent of the time, correct.. she still needs to master the skill.. but God can speak through us all.. People have potential..

  5. She reminds me of the storefront gypsy fortunetellers:hard-eyed phonies.  

  6. I don't like Sylvia.  I think she's a fraud and in case you never noticed, she never lets anyone else speak to either confirm or deny what she is saying.

  7. I think its hard to choke down what she says most of the time but I feel that person experience has taught me more. Even though I am apparently a deluded scam artist....ahem...anyways. It irks me when ppeople think that we know nothing and are pretending. Its not like we went to psychic school or something.

    back to subject...I think that perhaps at one point in her life she was like one of us but now...has fallen.  

  8. You psychics are a bunch of garbage, not real at all. How can you know what's going to happen in my future?

  9. Her skill has been waning for while. She is about 18% right at best now. She is stubborn and won't admit when she has nothing she will just give a quick standard answer. But then again if she admited  everytime she had nothing she would lose big business.

  10. Personally I like Sylvia.  Mind you this is a woman with a lot of knowledge.  While I don't hold predictions to an absolute, I mean how could anyone, life from the time you ask your questions could take an immediate turn in the opposite direction thus negating the situation you were in when you asked.  

    I know from watching her on TV or reading her books that she has a fairly short nature both in the way she speaks and the way she writes.  Personally I prefer a person who speaks in a short manner.  Obviously a skill I am lacking in....

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