
For those who go to school in manitoba?

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in school in manitba, for a 11 year old, is it strict? do they have to wear uniform? what time does school start/finish? how long are lessons?

any info about school




  1. Answering some of your other questions, I know a lot have been focusing on Winnipeg and surrounding area.

    So, most schools in Manitoba don't have uniforms. We do have a dress code, (you know, rules on not being allowed to wear revealing clothing, gang clothing, anything with profanity or drugs etc)

    The school day length varies from place to place but it usually starts anywhere from 0830 to 0900 an ends at 1530 to 1600. Usually there is 45 minutes to one hour for lunch, and  two 10 minutes breaks, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

    In elementary school (which is 4 years to about 13 years old), the subjects are Maths, Science, Social Studies (which includes geography) French, Language Arts (which is English) Gym, Art, Band, and Home Economics. (Home Ec is learning to cook and sew.

    Teachers are the same as anywhere else in the world; you get the really good ones, and the really bad ones. :D

    Lessons in elementary school usually lasted about 45 minutes and you had 8 in a day. In high school, they lasted about  75 minutes and you had 5 in one day.

    There are also plenty of opportunities to do sports and other extracurricular activities. There are after school teams, as well as sports held during lunch hour for anyone wanting to join in. (This is called intermurals)

  2. No, most schools aren't strict - there are good public schools in Manitoba, and uniforms are not mandatory.  School begins between 8.30 and 9am (depending on the school) and runs until 3 or 3.30pm.  Classes are about 40 minutes in length, and there is about a one hour break for lunch.

    Schools are part of larger school divisions. The websites below show some of the school divisions in Winnipeg, and are indicative of schools all over the province.

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