
For those who goign swimming alone... What do you bring to the pool? do u just bring a plastic bag with ur?

by  |  earlier

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do u bring a plastic bag with ur swimclothes in it?

or a bring a bag along.

do u put everything in the locker?>




  1. when i go i find it easier to put my things in a back pack and put a plastic bag in for my wet bathers. then in you big bag you can fit food, magazines, phones, keyys, whatever you need.

  2. at the pool i go to, i know it is pretty safe so i bring an actual bag and just put it on a lawn chiar while i am swimming. i try to put it near other stuff, not in the middle of nowhere. if u don't rly trust the pool, then i would get a locker, just make sure to bring a small enough bag that it fits in the locker

    i like to bring a towel and te suit and whateeer clothes i am wearing plus money, my pool pass, a cell phone, someimtes an ipod but not usually, some sunblock, maybe a book....w/e u like!

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