
For those who have been in Rome - piazza Navona...?

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The famous piazza Navona, what do you think of musicians and street performers who are there ?




  1. i think someone of them are good but other are terrible poor and i don't like but thy aren't dangerous thy just try to earn much money..anyway when i go there i don't think about them...hehe

  2. We stayed in a hotel in Piazza Navona. From our room window we could see the whole piazza so beautiful with the 3 fountains, people playing guitar, one of them played one of my favorite song 'besame mucho'. Also beautiful paintings.We bought a painting from Mirko, Old man who sells really beautiful paintings.

  3. There were several different performers there when we playing guitars...mime...several different caricature artists ( we got 2 different ones, one more authentic and the other very comical )...juggler...many selling paintings etc...

  4. depressing

  5. 1. absolutely

    2. trivia -- piazza navona was the place were they shot the chariot races in Ben Hur.

  6. I have been to piazza navona and I saw some very good drawer..when i went there there were no musician unfortunately....

  7. We made our way down some wobbly streets and wondered into Piazza Navona, which is, you guessed it; a piazza. But a magnificent one at that. The Piazza Navona is one of the liveliest and colorful piazzas in the city of Rome, with street performers offering entertainment, and people painting on canvas’s, and fountains, beautiful fountains

  8. They're not too bad.

    At least they only pester the people foolish enough to eat in the expensive restaurants there, and not the people wandering around the piazza.

    Trivia - the chariot race from Ben-Hur was filmed at Cinecitta studios, not in Piazza Navona.

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