
For those who have converted to vegetarianism, what changes, if any, did you find.....?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike your bodies (energy, general health, and outward appearance of health, etc), having converted to being a vegetarian?




  1. For some reasons, I simply felt happier and less depressed.

    I feel a sense of pride over non-vegetarians and the balanced weight makes it more relaxing to sleep and the pressures from supporting music instruments or sports felt good instead of adding stress to life

  2. I was a vegetarion for about a month a while ago and in 3 weeks I lost a stone because I hated all the vegetarian food so I was getting no protein!

    I went anaemic had no enrgy was pale and my stomach felt like it was eating itself :S But this was only cos I wasnt eating any protein and I eat very small portions but if you eat good amounts of protein your recommended daily intake is 1g per 1kg of your body weight so if you weigh 50 kilograms your daily intake of protein is 50grams =)

    Hope I helped =)


  3. Yes, I lost some excess weight, had more energy (as I wasn't carrying weight around) and had better skin. I was vitamin deficient for a while, but then I found vitamin supplements with no animal products, and then was much better!

  4. after i changed to being a veretarian ((i did it for animal rights but still.. lol))

    i noticed i was loseing weight that was hard to lose before.. and if you eat right you feel alot better too! (( i dont feel crappy after eating food like i used to)) an also my face cleared up alot and it had more of a healty glow to it.

    i hope this helps you out...

    good luck :)

  5. Hi.

    I lost 4 stone when i went vegetarian (I was 11 stone, and went down to 7, I'm 14 by the way).

    I farted alot more, lol.

    I felt much more nutritious.

    I didn't crave food.

    Then i went vegan, and i feel great, much healthier, always energise (unless a big long day, and no sleep of course), and happy most of the time. As a vegan there are so many still great foods to try, people think you cant eat anything. But they are wrong.

  6. ive lost alot of weight,and since my diet is alot lighter,after meals,i dont feel bad at all while the rest of my family is moaning in pain.   ^.^

    my hair feels alot softer too...but i dont really know if thats why...and i have a whole lot more energy.i cant sit still anymore....

    you do have to work a little harder at restraunts and ask alot of questions,but there is always something to get.

  7. Horrible smelling p**p when I went veg for a few months in college. Then I ate a hamburger and life went back to I gained weight, too. Very strange..

  8. well i have been veggie for almost 5 years now and i couldn't belief the change in my body , my hair wasn't has lank and greasy, i hardly ever get spots , period pains subsided , lost 5 stone in weight, i had more energy and zest diet is so much healthier, you can make some fantastic recipes too.....


  9. I was vegetarian for a year.  Just to see if I could do it really.  I caved in to sausage rolls and duck though.

    But I definitely felt a lot healthier, and therefore a lot happier.  After meals I felt less bloated or full.  I felt more energetic, less lethargic and lazy.  Not sure why.  As a girl, period pains disappeared and before hand they were absolute agony (now I just make sure I don't eat meat a week beforehand).

    I'm actually starting to do it again now.  I miss that feeling.

    Of course I made sure any nutrients I was missing from meat, I ate in other foods.

  10. better skin health...improved blood circulation and lost weight too

  11. I've noticed that I have A LOT more energy since being vegan (I think the working out regularly adds to that as well).  I also don't have as many digestive issues since I don't have any meat rotting away in my tummy :).  I get enough protein and other vitamins by eating a well-rounded diet, taking a vitamin supplement every day, and drinking a "green" smoothie every day.  and for all the sarcastic people giving answers on here, there ARE other protein sources besides meat.  Educate yourself.  Seriously.

  12. I  avoid meat for health reasons because it was too much of a hassle to buy organic all the time, and I didn't want to ingest all the extra hormones that are injected into farm animals.

    I guess I'm not a real hard-core vegetarian since I didn't convert for any moral reasons or beliefs. I stopped eating meat because of family history of hormone-sensitive cancers and because meat gives me bad gallbladder problems.

    Since I stopped eating meat my skin has been much clearer, I haven't had any gallbladder problems, and my running time has improved (I'm an amateur marathon runner). Also, I don't feel sleepy after meals, and I actually enjoy food more because I have to put some thought into it and I prepare it myself.

    The change could be due to the lack of meat, or due to the fact that now I actually plan my meals instead of eating junk. Either way, the change is really noticeable and I couldn't be happier.

    ETA: for those who said they were losing their hair,if they really are - eat more potatoes, leafy vegetables, whole grain and bread with yeast. Those are great sources of vitamin B and iron

  13. I just feel GOOD. I have also become more aware of the health benefits that longer I go. I have been vegan for 3 years and it was such a great decision. I have great skin, shape, and health.

    Its a wonderful thing.

  14. I have now been a vegetarian for 9 months, and the first thing i noticed was that i lost quite a lot of energy that i used to have, but then i started to try to eat some of the things that i had previously hated, like lettuce and most vegetables and fruit, and my energy level soared! I also feel awake for longer now, because vegetables give you a long source of energy, and since i have been eating more of them, i have lots of energy! I have also not had a cold since i have become a vegetarian because of all the extra vitamins that i am eating. Another thing that i have found is that i am not hungry at night anymore because of all the extra energy i am gaining. I lost a little bit of weight, but I'm not losing weight anymore, which is good.

  15. I didn't notice any changes whatsoever.  But I did it gradually, over the course of several months.

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