
For those who have given birth vaginally?

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for the last few days I have had to go to the bathroom way more than I usually do. Also today I went to the bathroom 7 times in as many hours. The thing I am concerned with is do you know that feeling when you are in labor and you feel that pressure feeling in your genital area? Like in your bottom and kinda up into your lower back a little? Well that feeling has accompanied my urge to go more and I just wonder what it could be. I havent really been drinking anymore than usual and I dont have any symptoms of a UTI so I know its not that.Anyone got any thoughts on it?




  1. it could be that because you have given birth, your muscles that you use to hold it in arent as strong as they used to be.. did you do kegal exercises after giving birth.  try those. if it keeps bothering you, i would probably call your doctor to have it checked out.

    Good luck

  2. if what your describing is pressure so bad it is almost a pain, and it is very intense, you could have varicose veins in your v****a, i know it sounds gross, but that is a symptom,  i have had 2 children, and one on the way, trust me,,,,,,i know, it is horrible.  witch hazel is my best friend.  if you go to you doctor, he or she, may recommend having it removed, same if it was in the rectal area.....i'm also a nurse.  

  3. I have had 3 naturally!! your poor little bladder gets beaten! Your body is still healing im sure everything will go back to normal!

  4. Are you pregnant? you didn't say. If you are that could be symptoms of going into labor. What you are describing are some typical signs of beginning labor.

  5. how many weeks are you pregnant? well it could be the baby pressing on your bladder. and the pain in your back could be braxton hicks contractions. it depends on how far along you are. if they keep coming and going, the pains, it could be little contractions. call your doctor.  

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