
For those who have had a Y/A account deleted?

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whats the first thing you do when you find out your account has been deleted? how do you feel?




  1. Make another account. Mine was deleted after lots of my questions were deleted out of spite by idiotic misgoynists.

  2. I was ticked had just made it onto the US top answers.

    Argued with yahoo

    trolled for a little while

    swore off YA

    broke my oath.

  3. It happened once and I was literally stunned. I went straight to Customer Care and demanded that my account be restored. Some of my friends from Singles & Dating tried to help me. We all failed.

  4. I have never broken that law here that much that they DELETED my account! LOL I would say I would do some serious soul seaching as to WHAT I could be doing or have done to cause the good people at YA to DELETE me from their system...


    If I were with YA, I would delete Julius C every time he tried to build an account too... That guy is souless...

  5. I don't know, you tell me

  6. I think:  Well there goes another account. Time to make more.


  7. i had mine deleted i felt really  MAD!!!!!

    but that was 4 monthes ago so now im over it!

  8. ...

  9. i've only lost one... and i was caught completely off guard.   the email still works.  whoever was targeting me went back through and reported all my questions.  i was a level 5.  i received violation notices for days after i was notified that it had been suspended.  i opened three more... just in case.

  10. kind of not great, but i don't blow up about it just make a new one get a fresh start

  11. Funny you should

    Actually the first thing I felt was, "Dammit! Now I have to go and make a whole new email....gar!"

    Now that I've done that, I feel a bit better :D

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