
For those who have more than one child?

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When you had your second child, did you find that your milk supply was better than with your first?? Just curious because with my first, my milk dryed up after 2months, and i would like it if it went longer this time around..




  1. Your milk supply follows the demand. The more often you breast feed the more milk you going to make. Drink enough, rest plenty and don't stress (and of course breast feed the baby regularly) you will have as much milk as your baby needs. Around 6 weeks of age the child's appetite may grow dramatically and you will have the impression that you don;t have enough milk. Just keep on breast feeding, if you must you can use some formula supplement. You must keep your breast stimulated by breastfeeding or your milk will dry up. I have two kids and had no difference in milk supply.

  2. Ummm.... thats a bit personal.  Ewwwwwww.  

  3. i had more with my first then my second

  4. My milk dried up as soon as I started back at work both times. If you pump in between feedings 15 minutes on each side I found with the my third that milk will be produced faster. It's all about the supply and demand. Once I started working I couldn't pump that much so I dried up. As long as you can keep up a steady schedual of feeding and pumping you should be all set. Good luck.

  5. milk is a supply and demand thing and to be honest the more baby feeds the more milk will come ,just eat properly drink plenty of water ,juice ,stick with it and well done on deciding to breast feed there is not nearly enough of us out there ,  

  6. The only things I've found that truly interfere with my milk supply, are stress and with my third I had a true supply issue that was most likely caused by a neurological disorder I have. Also some medications and herbs are known to decrease supply significantly.

    But the biggest thing, is stress. If I get stressed I can't even let down.

    Is it possible (depends on how long it's been, I suppose) for you to go back and review what you may have been eating a lot of, dealing with physically or emotionally at the time, and see what factors may have caused your supply issue? If so, that's probably the best way to prevent it.

    Even though there isn't much to do about a neurologically mediated supply problem, I took care of any other potential issues (prevented stress, adjusted meds over a period of months) before I had my fourth and so far, so good.  We are even currently getting through that 'almost six weeks eat every ten minutes' growth spurt, which is where it became undeniably obvious we actually had a problem with my third. If you worry too much about it, it may well become an issue; it's a wonderful excuse to enforce a 'nice and quiet, stress free home' with the other kids!

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