
For those who have read twilight?

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I love it! my friend recommended the book to me

and I love romance and fantasy

why did you decided to read the books?




  1. Well my mother is overprotected on what i read in books, so she read it and was ok for me to read. I love them! I would recommend these books for anyone in Jr. High.  

  2. because everyone was talking about how great they are. sadly, i was disappointed.

    and yes, i'm a romantic and i love fantasy. i'm also a teenaged girl. it's just that this over-the-top gushy stuff was just not to my taste.

    sorry, but i don't believe that just because you're in love or whatever you lose the little mental faculties that you have. i might have liked the series just a teensy bit more if only bella was a stronger character, and not the weak, whiny little twit that she is.


  3. I saw it at a local bookstore and said, "Why not?".

    This was before Twilight was so popular, though... so I never heard of it before.

    I loved it, then hated it after reading more advanced books.

  4. sorry i have never even heard of it.

  5. On Youtube this girl made a Sims 2 version of the first chapter. I really like it and told my friend. Her sister reads them and said they are really good. So I started reading them and they rock!

    Episode 1

    Episode 2

    Thats all there is at the moment!!!

  6. my 2 close friends wouldnt stop talking about it. they made me read it.. i read it.. got obssesed and bought twilight, new moon, eclipse and breaking dawn.

    i lloovee romantic and fantasy as well.. and because u finished reading twilight read the others in order!!! :)

  7. It was actually people here in Y!A that got me going. The Books and Authors section was always filled with Twilight questions, so I said to myself, "It must be a good book for it to get so many attention!" So I bought it, read it and loved it! I already finished the series. It was great! I hope for more. :)

  8. I decided to read these books because of all the hype that they got. I was surprised at how amazing they are! I am normally not a fantasy fan, but I loved this fantasy book. I also decided to read it because I saw a portion of it online, and I read it and I was hooked (like on phonics!)

  9. I had heard a lot about the series and I was very intrigued.  Also, one of my friend's mom reccomended the book for teen girls, and then my mom bought it for me.

  10. Well, a lot of my friends were reading it, so I thought "What the hay, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try." Now im obsesses with the whole series.

  11. I walked into Borders, closed my eyes, took a random book of the shelf and bought it. It happened to be Twilight and I absolutely loved it from the word go.

  12. Twilight, because everyone was talking about it and I wanted to see if it lived up to the hype. New Moon and Eclipse, because I was hoping they'd get better at some point. Breaking Dawn, because I was on vacation, the wi-fi wasn't working, and I had nothing to do but read my sister's copy or watch hours upon hours of Olympic beach volleyball. For the record, I didn't like any of the books much, only the scenes that involved fighting and blood and typical vampire-y things. I'm much more of a Buffy/Angel fan myself.

  13. Cause way too many people reccomended me those books and I just had to see what all the hype was about .

  14. 'Cos one of my close friends was SO excited about these books; we often recommend books to each other, and so far all the books she's suggested I've loved so I thought I'd give it a go, and yet again I really enjoyed it! I think though, as the series go on, they get slightly worse, sadly. Twilight is definitely the best in my opinion. Have you read the others? New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn? I find they really do get worse as she goes on... I think New Moon is the second best in the series, Eclipse the third best, and Breaking Dawn is the worst.

  15. cuz a friend told me 2!

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