
For those who have tried menstrual cups, which one is best? Pros and cons?

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I want to get one and try it. I like the reusable ones for the saved money, but Instead can be worn during s*x. I was thinking about getting a Mooncup and keeping Instead's on hand for when hubby and I are in the mood.

Any input from women who have used any of the kinds? Pro's and con's about each kind, or the cup in general?




  1. I use a Mooncup (UK) and have done for the past 5 years or so, I still love using it, they are not just cheaper and greener but far safer and cleaner than most other options, as well as more convenient and more comfortable. I suffer from hypermenorrhagia (excessively heavy, long periods) I used to use the most absorbent commercial tampons and commercial pads but would still leak after about 15 minutes, as well as that I had constant vaginal infections from using tampons. With a menstrual cup I have never leaked and never had an infection, they are a h**l of a lot more convenient for me as they can be worn before your period, from heavy to light flow without having to worry about changing absorbencies, and they can be worn at night. Saved me a lot of infections, embarrassing floods of blood, and makes everything so much easier because as they can be left in for up to 12 hours at a time it means no having to worry about emptying in public. Mooncup UK are good, they are a nice medium in size and firmness – brands like Divacup and Lunette being larger and firmer, brands like Ladycup being smaller and softer, they also have very good customer service.

    I would list all the pros (there are very few cons), but I’ll cheat and link to a previous question where I listed pros and cons - I would also suggest checking out the menstrual cup support community who would have lots of information you would find helpful, particularly in the memories section (see right-hand side) –  

    Basically pros are that they are; safe, clean, green, cheap, comfortable, convenient, ethical companies, and body-positive. The pros in my eyes are mainly about safety and hygine, to understand that you have to know some of the health issues involved with other products, such as tampons, see The cons are that they are; hands-on, can be difficult to use at first, can be uncomfortable. Hands-on means more genital contact which some women do not like, can be difficult to use at first as everything can, and some women can find them uncomfortable – switching cup brands can help this, also most brands offer money back guarantees so you have nothing to loose in trying them. I personally don’t think they are messy, certainly when you get used to them they are less messy than other options (beats leaking all the time anyway!) when starting out with them there is more risk of disaster however my tip is to use them in the shower – dispose of blood, clean the cup and avoid mess all in one go.

    Instead, they are a different matter. A lot of women find them difficult to use, uncomfortable, messy and prone to leaking, of course a lot of women also love them – you’ll find a lot of women who use them will switch to a bell-shaped menstrual cup like Mooncup – basically it is a one-size-fits-all sort of deal, which as I’m sure you know isn’t all that good for suiting everyone’s different vaginas. I’ve heard a few women suffer from UTI’s after using softcups. My personal experience with them was before they became available here in the UK; I bought three boxes from eBay and still have most of those three boxes. I found them close to impossible to insert, when I finally did get one in I wasn’t very confident using it and when it came to removal it was messy because the cup part doesn’t stay cup-shaped instead it tends to gather up, then you get blood and discharge gathering in the folds of the cup. I cannot say I like them, but some women swear by them – my advice is certainly to try them but not invest too much in them (I believe they still do sample packs on the US site).

    As a note on s*x with softcups – I’ve tried it with devastating results, my ex-partner at the time felt the softcup and freaked out, he wasn’t the most open-minded of people and was vaguely insulting in his reaction (thus why he’s an ex) however the reaction was real, he felt it and it was not pleasant for him. I would suggest rather than softcups for s*x during menstruation that you get a diaphragm (I wouldn’t suggest using this as the sole method of conception in this case), in the UK they are free and even in the US you are still looking at something reusable so may be cheaper in the long-run and certainly better for the environment (FYI softcups can be reused a few times before disposal). They are fitted to fit you perfectly so no chance of discomfort as some women experience with softcups, because they are made for s*x and use softer materials in the cup-part it means they aren’t as likely to be felt by your hubby and even if it is felt it isn’t going to freak him out as much as a softcup would.

  2. I have used Instead and they work just fine just like the first person said it takes time getting use to using them.  

  3. I wear a DivaCup, it's similar to the Mooncup.

    I love it. I can wear it for 12 hours before changing it. I don't feel it in me at all. And NO leaks!

    The cons...

    It can be messy at first, but you get used to it, and learn how to handle it.

    I had a hard time getting it in the first time, but after a while it gets super easy.

    The way I see it, the pros way out number and out weigh the cons!

    I have never used the Insteads, so I can't help you there.


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