
For those who have used the Pantech Duo!?

by Guest58271  |  earlier

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What would you rate it 1 through 10




  1. i would rate it like a 5. my friend has it and i love using it, but it breaks easily and is kinda confusing atfirst

  2. I've used my friend's Duo, and honestly, I'd give it around a 6. It's not the best, and not quite on par with the competition, but it still does it's job. The sliders are known for breaking, and not working correctly. Ex: getting stuck, or falling APART. Since it has no spring in the slide design, it sticks wherever it slides to. Quite annoying if you're trying to do some fast texting, or maybe a quick message in class with the teacher not looking ;) I would recommend the Vu, but if you must have a smartphone, get a BlackBerry... it was the number 1 smartphone sold in quarter one of this year, and it does its job all too well.

  3. Im the only one here who owns a Duo so, I hope you take my advice over others above. Well the Duo is a great phone if you are going to use it for texting, calling, music, excel, powerpoint, and word. Internet is not the best, even though I have never used it, it is not known for its speedy internet. Love the phone rate it a 8-10.

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