
For those who haven't seen a ghost, when you constantly hear people saying they have, does it make you feel

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you're missing out on something?




  1. Sad.

    Sad for them. Sad for a society that encourages superstition and nonsense and ignores science.

    I'm missing out on nothing. I don't miss out by not belonging to a cult either. Same thing with UFOs.

    Miss out? Because I'm not being a superstitious moron?

    That's not really missing out on anything!

  2. faithless..Have you ever ASKED anyone if they've seen a ghost? I'll be you'd be surprised at their answers. BTW...I think this section is more the real world than the real world is. Most people in what you call the real world..are very fake. I think YA gives people a way to be themselves.

      As far as seeing a ghost..I'm not sure if I've SEEN one..I know I've "experienced" them...or something that seemed like they were. It might have been people astral traveling. It's really hard to tell the difference..for me anyway. When it was happening..I really didn't understand about astral travel and didn't know that I knew anyone who knew how to do it.

      Next month , I'll be babysitting at a historical house where they say they've seen a ghost..or signs of one. I'm excited to go there...and at the same time afraid. I don't think I really want to see it..or even experience it. Thinking about seeing one is a lot different than really seeing one. I think if I do see one there..I won't go back. The closer it gets to the time...the more hesitant I am. I don't envy people who see them. But, it does help to believe about them. I think if it was a member of my wouldn't be scary.

  3. I'm pretty sure I've seen enough ghosts to last me a life time, if I was honest.

    But, I believe it's angels or demons probably.

  4. ABSOLUTELY! im envious of them :)  although i have my own stuff that others dont. i am and always have been very claircognizant (i just "know" stuff.... particularly about people) and clairsentient (i feel, sense things.... energy, and people... what they are like, their moods, what they think, how they feel, wht they want...) and only minimal clairvoyance (the seeing part). my clairvoyance only comes as not actually pictures in my my mind like most people, rather i get a picture of the WORDS. i find that odd actually. and dreams. i wanna c a ghost!! with my eyes!!

  5. well, if you haven't seen a ghost, i'll bet you know of a miracle.  it's all in perception.

    and i dont mean something like, jesus's face shows up in a honey bun kind of c**p

  6. Well, if they are having horrific experiences with ghosts, then I am certainely glad that I have never seen a ghost.  It makes me feel like God is watching over me or something like that.  Not all paranormal experiences can treat people friendly.  I mean, would you really enjoy have some unknown spirit that you don't know live in your house all the time.  That would be kind of scary would you think so?

  7. Heavens NO!

    I wouldn't want to see a ghost!

    But alas, I actually did see one, an apparition. Problem is, I don't believe in ghosts. So I can't really explain what I saw. I still don't believe in ghosts.

  8. Sorry, it doesn't. I don't believe there are any ghosts. I would never put someone down though, because they do. Maybe some people are wired differently, they are open to it where I am not.

  9. You can see ghost if your ESP developed.

    Your education does not develop ESP, so you cannot see ghost.

  10. If you truely believe in ghosts, chances are, you would not see them.  Trust me, I know a lot about ghosts.  I love horror movies and heard lots and lots of ghost stories.

  11. It makes me feel like I'm one of the few sane people left on earth.

  12. It used to.  That's why I was so earnest early on.  But after objective consideration of the whole ghost thing evidence forced me to draw different conclusions.

  13. Not at all. It makes me feel GREATFUL.

    I believe in them but am truly soo scared it isn't funny. Even thinking about it brings me panic attacks.. Not good and not pleasent.

  14. No. It makes me feel like smacking them

  15. But your Ghost is not missing you. He walks from behind. Dont follow him. Let him follow you always!

  16. Not at all, I just wonder at how their mind works to be able to believe such things.

    BTW it is only people on this forum that constantly claim to see ghosts, I don't know anyone in the real world that says they have.

  17. ive never heard anyone say theyve seen a ghost

  18. faithless: I am unsure what you mean - before yahoo I have met 1000s of people both in my business, in the street, and personally friends, aquaintances, my realestate agent (when I was younger) and I am surprised how many people have told me about their ghost experiences.

    THen I came on yahoo and this forrum provides people with the vehicle to talk about their experiences without too much judgement. Guess you don't get out much

  19. No, not at all. Sure, I've experienced seeing something unexpected out of the corner of my eye, or seeing a visual illusion, or being startled by an unexpected sight or sound. So I've already had the "ghost experience" albeit in a different form. I just don't need to explain it in terms of a ghost.

  20. I'm contemplating starting a "Hate Faithless Blog"...Seriously, the girl is an idiot...don't really understand why she hangs around this section in Y!A...So, who's with me?

    *And Mr Refrigerator to answer your question, I have seen many in my short lifetime...and it is something not to be envied. Clairevoyantly seeing freshly murdered bodies - that are walking and talking - faces mutilated - limbs missing - it's not a pretty sight...And then your supposed to help these poor beings, talk to them and nurture them...

    Mate, whoever thinks seeing ghosts is 'fun', they are badly misinformed...

  21. Makes for good campfire stories. But other than that? Yawn.

  22. Not in the least. My time will come when I see something paranormal, unless it hasn't already happened (Is putting a potted cactus on a table, going to the bathroom, and then finding the same cactus on my dresser considered paranormal?).

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