
For those who said Brett Favre was only in it for the money.....

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How does it make you feel that you were wrong?




  1. May Favre win the superbowl and proof those who hate him wrong.

  2. Brett has always been about the game...duh!  I'm surprised he dmitted he was thinking about such a bribe.  Shame on you Ted....that money can be better on a new GM.  Favre supporters go to sign the petition.

  3. farve realised he has a good given talked 2 huck a football and hes going 2 maximise it till he cant any more, farve doesnt care about money or legacy, he just wants 2 play football!!!1 of the best qb's ever hes bigger than the packers now

  4. I've been thinking the same thing about those people.


  5. Actually his contract over the next 2 years would pay him quicker then the 10 years if he had taken the deal. Makes it sound MORE like he is in it for the money then not taking the money. The truth is that I think he is in it for the records and have thought that since before LAST year.  

  6. it makes me feel a bad person....i shuld die

  7. Oh, he's in it for the records. he wants to throw for more yards and touchdowns so that Peyton "might" not be able to break them. There's no way he thinks he can win the Super Bowl. C'mon, even he must know how much he stinks in big games.  

  8. The money never even cross my mind for Brett Favre. Why he deny 20,000,000 to stay retired if he was in it for the money. I hope whoever believe that feels like real JA right now. Brett isn't in it for records, Burress. Peyton will pass them regardless. I'm sure Brett knows that. Even if Brett adds another 30-35 TDs this season when he leaves Peyton will still get them

  9. I said several weeks ago that he's in it for another ring. I'll stand by my position.

  10. im with the ppl who stayed on bretts side.

    its good for the ppl who doubted him because now we know who is and isnt on the bandwaggan now all of the ppl are going to start loving brett again like nothing ever happened

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