
For those who saw my question about "Was I wrong For Telling My Boss No" now there is more?

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For those that didn't see it I have posted the link to the previous question. Well now my boss is badmouthing me to her boss and my former boss (who is working in another location now) saying that I am stubborn and she doesn't feel like I follow her directions. First of all her first day was Monday, she has worked in this office before but it was about a year ago. I was training another employee to work the switchboard correctly, and she steps in and basically undermines everything that I said to the employee. Whenever I run the switchboard for the office, there is never a complaint, so why would she come in and basically tell the employee differently then what I have told her? She hasn't worked in this office in a year and suddenly she knows everything, and I know nothing. I feel like she is still mad at me about yesterday, and is trying to find ways to upset me.;_ylt=ApfU6XImEuJnrSD3AP8nfGfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080717114058AANoGPT




  1. Check your IT policies.  If there is a written policy that says employees are NOT to share their passwords, then you are right and your boss is setting herself up to be fired.  Be sure you document her request and your refusal, and be sure you have this in writing with your Human Resources department.

    How did you get along with your former boss, the one who is in the new location?  Is this person someone you can talk to and explain what happened with the password and with the switchboard?  Is this someone who will stand up and say that you were never a problem employer when you worked for them?  If this former boss is someone you trust and respect, and someone who had a high opinion of you as their employee, talk to them and ask what's the best way to handle this new person and her trash talk.  And ask them if they would be willing to provide a written record of your new boss's comments about you to Human Resources.

    Then go to HR.  Tell them that once you told your new boss "no" about the password, that she has been retaliating.  Tell them that you have knowledge of your boss discussing you with people who are NOT in your current "up-chain".  Ask for them to mediate a discussion with your new boss and her boss, to get all this on the table to find out why the new boss has such a negative attitude already.  If your former boss is willing to confirm that the new boss is talking badly about you, let HR know that too.

    Good luck.  Keep your chin up, work hard, and go out of your way to make certain your job performance is above and beyond "normal expectations."  Let the rest of the company see that no matter what the new boss says, you're a valuable employee and they don't want to lose you.

  2. If you have an HR department, talk  to them about it. HR is zero retaliation, she cannot harass you. Make sure you are versed in your company policies. I am positive that your handbook is firm about not sharing passwords, and let her have to explain that also.

  3. File a suit against them all - hire a fantastic attorney - get your money - move to the caribbean and never work again!

  4. She is using her position to prove her power over you.  Try to let it roll off.  Others will see her pettiness and you may end up in a position above her some day.

  5. She is abusing her position, in a very childish way, may I add.  You need to request a meeting with HR and her boss ASAP.  Express to them everything you have here and let them know you feel she is now retaliating against you for going against her demand of the password.

    If worse comes to worse and they take her side on the password, make a complete inventory of everything you have in your computer.  On documents that this person will have no business getting into, change them to a "Read Only" status.  Or you can even have your IT guy back everything up for you on separate disks.

    Good luck, I really hope you come out on top on this one, I really hate bosses that abuse their power.

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