
For those who smoke weed, how much is in moderation?

by  |  earlier

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Strictly on weekends? Once a week? Once every 2-3 days?




  1. Moderation? Once every few days to me, unless you smoke like a dime every time you smoke, then every weekend is good.  

  2. My take:

    Prefferably restrict it to weekends, and never use more than once ever few days. If an eigth doesn't laste a few weeks, it's probably time to cool off. Basically, it's a question of whether it's hurting your obligations or draining your finances, not to mention veering you towards burnout. Afterall, nobody wants to be that wierd kid who never makes sense and looks dead to everything but the rainbow-colored unicorns in his or her head. I've met a few folks like that, and it's really sad, though habitual abuse of heavy psychotropics was also implicated.

    Also, people who are opposed to casual habitual recreational marijuana use should butt out and stop with their petty cries of, "it's illegal!" Sorry, but States serve to constrain human will. Sometimes they do this for objective protection of citizens, but other times they do it for purposes of control and strategic manipulation. Marijuana's largely in the latter grouping.

  3. I keep it to weekends so I don't do stupid **** at school---but I don't do it every weekend, like 2/5 or something...

  4. Geez, I feel like the only person who has never smoked pot, when I get on here....there are so many "weed" questions

    I have some friends, they smoke, about once a week.  They  get real goofy and laugh about nothing, then get super grouchy.. I don't understand what's so fun about that.  They wake up with headaches too...

  5. i have friends who do it everyday .

    sometimes i do.

    other times its once a week.

    sometimes its once a month.

  6. Once a week.

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