
For those who switched from pc to mac; is it hard?

by  |  earlier

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i'm planning to switch to mac. I had enough with pc. No matter how much you pay for security, the treat is always there. I just got a trojan, I lost a lot of files in my desk top. a year ago my laptop froze, I thought it just freeze, the truth is it crashes, I lost many files. Should I put up and shut up or switch?




  1. Macs have the same problems, though not as often.  And when macs freeze or go down, you have a much more difficult time getting them back up.

    Macs are not immune to threats.  In fact, unprotected Macs carry Windows viruses, and pass them on to other's PCs.  So if you switch, you still need virus and malware protection.  Macs are more prone to adware and spamware (than viruses) that affects you also.

    If you are losing data, then you need a backup system that works for you.  The easiest is an external USB hard drive where you back up your data.  You need this on a Mac or a PC.  For Windows, you need to back up at least your My Documents, Desktop, and Favorites - once a week is best, once a month is essential.  If you have games, the folder where your saved games are located is also a backup target.  Keep several copies of your data (about two previous versions is enough, plus the first backup you make).  This is because you may delete a file yourself and then later want it back.

    Get a good backup system and you won't care so much if your PC or Mac goes down.  

    As for which to use, it depends entirely on what you want from it.  

    Games and simple email/documents - PC

    Artwork - Mac

    Scientific applications, or programming - Linux (or Mac, with Fink)

  2. yes switch, mac is amazing

    1. no trojans or viruses ever, and you dont need any protection plan or software at all

    2. you can get vmware, a $60 program that will let you run windows in a browser so you can play all your pc games and applictions on your mac still

    3. if you want microsoft office then you can get it for mac its not preloaded

    4. for a desktop a good 1st mac is an imac, for a laptop that acts as a desktop, get a macbook pro, and a simple but very good laptop is the macbook

    hope this helped convince you to make the smartest switch in your life!

  3. If you got a trojan and lost files, that's your own fault not the PCs! Why were you running a pc without anti virus software? AVG is free and does the job perfectly. I've been running Norton for years and I've never had a problem because it detects viruses immediately and cleans them immediately. Laziness is what lost your files, not whether you have a pc or mac. You can switch to a mac if you want, but they get viruses too. You're just gonna spend a load of money to risk your files there too.

  4. Both types of computers have their good and bad aspects.  It really is up to what the computer will be used for.

    "Switching" isn't hard, just takes some getting used to.

  5. Macs crash too, suck it up.  These things happen, unfortunately.

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