
For those who think Obama has no executive experience?

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he served on the executive board that oversaw the Woods Foundation with convicted terrorist William Ayers.

Doesn't that count as executive experience?




  1. Hmmmm... No, just very, very poor judgment.

    I don't want Obama any where near the Oval Office, not even as a janitor.

  2. LOL! "Yo,those 2 were da bomb!"

  3. He also served as committe chairman over the live birth abortions and could have stopped it before it ever got rolling but chose to vote against it , in effect , allowing murder to take place .

    For those of you who do not know what live birth abortion is , it is when the baby is allowed to be born crying and screaming , wrapped in a blanket , and put into a room and left alone , no food , water , or anything to just die from whatever takes it first . I do not call this type of playing like he is God , good executive leadership .

  4. LOL good one. Probly give you a star for the laugh factor. That and the burn you put in.

  5. That's news to be me.

  6. We are all in for the ride of our lives this Novemeber ppl....

    There IS NO right answer...our country is now worse off than it was just two weeks ago....


  7. What I want to know is how did  the board members of the Annenberg Challenge spend 42 million dollars in the  grants they got.  

    Why did Obama so frantically fight the

    release of their records?

  8. h**l, I heard he was president of a big drug company in south fact he was in charge of all street sales....

  9. Know your history    William Ayers was never convicted.

  10. Not to me. It proves he has bad judgement that he wouldn't question or step down from a board with a terrorist on it.

  11. That's called 'Community Organizer.'  Look for Obama to organize the next fundraiser or bake sale after he loses.

  12. Now, you do make a good point.  I'll certainly have to take that in consideration in choosing for whom I will vote.......okay, considered

    McCain/Palin '08

  13. I believe that might be the wrong kind of executive experience.

  14. If Obama wins election and takes office in January 2009, he will have served four years in the U.S. Senate representing Illinois.

    Before that, he was a state senator in Illinois for eight years. He was also a senior lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School during that time.

    His schedule from the school shows him teaching two or three classes in the fall and winter terms — usually Constitutional Law III: Equal Protection and Substantive Due Process; Voting Rights and the Democratic Process; and Current Issues in Racism and the Law. In the spring, he would attend the Illinois legislative sessions. It seems a fairly safe bet that, like most legislators, his constituent work — fielding phone calls and helping people in his district — went on year-round. Press reports indicate he would do a small amount of private law practice during the summer. So that's eight years as a public official in Illinois, bringing our total to 12 years.

    To get to 20 years of experience, we still need eight years from Obama's career prior to holding public office. Obama graduated from Columbia University in 1983. He worked for a year as a financial analyst; in his memoir he said he spent his days behind a computer terminal, "checking the Reuters machine that blinked bright emerald messages across the globe" and feeling like "a spy behind enemy lines." He gave up that job to go into community organizing, work he felt was more important politically. He worked three years as a community organizer in Chicago before going to Harvard Law School. We won't count the junior-level business experience as working "on behalf of families who are having a hard time," but the community organizing work does seem to fit the bill. That brings his work experience to 15 years.

    At Harvard, Obama began to receive national attention. He became the first black president of the Harvard Law Review and was recruited heavily by law firms around the country. (He met his future wife, Michelle Robinson, as a summer associate at the Chicago firm Sidley Austin.)

    He graduated in 1991. He ran Illinois Project Vote, a voter registration drive, for much of 1992, and then accepted a position with the Chicago firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland. The firm specialized in political and civil rights work and neighborhood economic development work. He also began teaching at the University of Chicago in 1993. He was elected to the Illinois state Senate in 1996 and took office in 1997, so his full-time work after law school comprises five years. That gets us to 20 years.

    (During these years, Obama also worked on his career as an author. His memoir Dreams from my Father was published in 1994 and reprinted after his speech at the Democratic National Convention in 2004. A follow-up, The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, was published in 2006. His personal financial disclosure statements show that those books earned him $1.8-million in 2005 and 2006, the majority of his income.)

    The other part of Obama's claim is that his experience is "on behalf of families who are having a tough time and are seeking out the American dream." We take that to mean his experience is broadly in the field of public service, and that too is an accurate claim. The bulk of Obama's professional experience is either in elected office or working for a nonprofit, a university or a civil rights law firm.

  15. dont forgot that in sarah palins religion, she speaks in tongues.  Doesnt that sound creepy?

  16. A great big "NO" on that one.

  17. thank you Sean Hannity!

  18. That's right, and his buddy Ayres kicked of his campaign while admitted to attacking DC.  I love the Obama supporters that support





    I would want just one person to explain all those shady people in his life not to mention:  "For the first time I am proud of my country"

  19. Yes and he was good and getting a house from a criminal via bribes - that should count also.

  20. He served on the Foreign Relations Committee and Chaired the Subcommittee on Afghanistan.....He passed Nuclear Weapons Control legislation and passed Health Care legislation....

    I consider that great experience.   I also think he showed alot better judgement in picking an experienced VP than McCain has.

  21. Not in my book

  22. LOL....are you serious????

    That doesn't count for c**p

  23. LMFAO

  24. lol :)

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