
For those who want / demand a Government provided health care program?

by  |  earlier

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What else should the 253 Million of us that already have health care be forced to provide for you? Housing, transportation, food, clothing? Where would YOU draw the line or would you even set a limit on Government Entitlements? Just curious.




  1. I have my own private health insurance and to be honest, hate the idea of government funded health care. My health care quality will probably go downhill and then I'll be forced to choose a doctor who isn't as good as the one I have now.

    It's a terrible idea! I'm with you Asker!

  2. People in this country with their hands out, looking for a free ride, are absolutely shameless.  There are radishes to be picked.

  3. We already do provide for their housing, transportation, food and clothing, along with beer, drugs and cigarettes. Welfare. What happpened to people wanting to work to survive? Everyone just wants something for nothing, and I'm sick of it.

  4. Health Insurance, even for those on welfare, is required for residents in Western Europe. If you are in Western Europe without health insurance, you don't have a residency permit. Just IMAGINE if America put that requirement on residents. Also, the European insurance comes in three tiers of benefits. People purchase the quality they think they need. Your 253 million is way, way off. Health insurance in America is an elitist benefit of the few. Those that have paid for insurance should have that benefit counted as receiving extra income.

    It is Corporate Welfare that got us in the mess we are in today. Now, there is no money for more prisons that are desperately needed to maintain the status quo. Say hello to the Mexican Mafia.

  5. You are looking at it from the wrong perspective.

    The fact is that we have universal health care - we just don't have everyone paying for it.  If an uninsured person breaks his arm - he goes to the ER and gets fixed up.  He can't pay the cost so the hospital shifts those costs by charging insured people more.

    With universal health care a lot more people will be paying into the system.

    And the proposal by Sen. Obama to open up the Federal Employees Health plan to everyone is a great idea.  People would still have private health insurance and a choice of insurers as well.

  6. That's an oversimplification (or a moronic) version of the argument which does nothing to address pre-existing conditions, down-sizing, and continuity of care . . .

    It's not about free health care . . . it's about access to the health care system . . .

  7. To Blessed;

    Are you in the throes of an extremely high temperature?!!

    Those who work hard to buy health insurance should have that counted as extra income?!!!!!

    I am just shaking my head.........

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