
For those whom consume shellfish why not eat your own in the USA???

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...You protectting "our"harvesters liveryhood and ensurring a wholesum meal,why use some others countrys products,instead of your own????




  1. We have become global eaters, we want what we are told we should want. We would rather have a tomatoe grown in Central America that was picked green and shipped thousands of miles then gased to get the right color and has no flavor, than to spend a little effort putting a plant in our own backyard and having a tasty healthy ripe tomato.

    The question shouldn't be why we don't eat our own food, it should be why do other countries sell it to us?

  2. It's called  a voluntary exchange.  We give money that they want and they give product that we want.  Everybody wins!

  3. Look man, I eat Tomales Bay oysters all the time.....

    You can do shooters, or you can BBQ them with either a garlic sauce or a BBQ sauce.  Try it out!!

    You must be from Egypt!  I'll never eat Egyptian oysters.  Thank you.

  4. Back in early 80's over 100people died from poisined P.E.I. mussls but never a peep about it.the USA is loosing its factorys,fishing fleets,farmings.I give this country 15 years before it implodes on its self.It can no longer sustain its self.

  5. We do eat our own, but many varieties are not found in US waters.  Besides, "harvesters" in foreign countries have to make a living, too.  I'd rather send my money to a Korean trying to feed his family than to an American trying to afford the payment on their second SUV.

  6. Because you work for $0.12 an hour, and we don't. therefore it's cheaper for me to just buy your dinner and let you starve.  However your farmer buddy is making a decent living, so who cares?

  7. The US is the worlds number one exporter of food. We export far more than we import.  Should we stop exporting food as well?  How many people do you think would starve if we stopped exporting food?

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