could you please give me your opinions of the whole experience?
My husband and I are tentatively talking about having children. When we do and they are old enough, we would prefer to have the children homeschooled.
What we were thinking of doing was homeschooling from kindergarten to the beginning of high school. We would also enroll the children in extra curricular activities, like signing them up to play on local (not school) sports teams or in educational programs at the library, museum, etc. so that the children are socialized (and aren't cooped up in the house all the time). I was also thinking that the children could then go to a public high school, so that they don't miss out on high school sports (and possible scholarships), homecomings, proms, the dating scene, etc.
I've already researched my state's requirements (FL).
I was just wondering if anyone could share their opinions on their experiences and on my above statements about home vs. public school.