
For those with irregular periods that are pregnant or have been pregnant...?

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I am just curious about this: How long did it take you to get pregnant? My hubby and I stopped using bc at the beginning of June and I just found out this week that I am pregnant (which means I got pregnant on my first cycle of trying)! I was very surprised that I got pregnant this fast because my periods are irregular, so it is difficult to tell when I am ovulating. I was kind of expecting to have more difficulty because of my irregular cycle. Anyone else experience this??? THANKS!




  1. Me and my husband have been trying for 3 months, my periods are very irregular, they range from 28 days to 37 days.  I never know when I am ovulating, I haven't tried anything besides the ovulation testers, which I found to be a joke!!

  2. I have always been irregular..I can be any where from 36 days and as far 7 months..I found myself taking a pregnancy test every month for about 8 years..Everyone used to laugh at me and say I needed to go to BJ's so I could buy them in bulk..If a person gets their period regularly they can get some kind of hint if they are 2 or 3 days late but when your always late and your lateness varies your just always hoping that this time you got it..This is the first I'm hearing about a quick pregnancy not only for an irregular person but also for a person that just came off bc..Good luck and best wishes!!

  3. I, too, had irregular periods when I got off birth control, found out I wasn't ovulating, got on Clomid and was pregnant in 2 months. That is amazing that you got pregnant so quickly!! Congratulations!! It is so amazing what our bodies can do!

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