
For those with psychic intuition... I went to a psychic reader and she told me some horrible things...

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she told me I had a curse over me and that I would never get married?

It scares me... is this true :( I'm 23 years old, single mother, and as quick as I'm in a relationship I'm out of it... I'm not ugly lol... or controlling, what is going on?




  1. I think that person just did it to scare you!!! Usually if someone puts a curse on you, there is a curse to get the problem solved!! They probably need extra cash and are waiting for you to go back and pay $100 for them to rub some rocks over your body or even grass. Just forget about it and when your not expecting it the right guy will be right in front of you.

  2. Firstly, I wonder whether your psychic reader is a bogus or a real one.

    A bogus one could read about your life by looking at your external appearances, such as your face, hands, body shape, dresses, etc..This is something which the psychic reader learned through the years of observation of people or from some books which teach about human characteristics/temperaments etc...

    But there is another type of psychic reader who has contact with spiritual beings/demons. These spiritual beings or demons are able to give him/her "supernatural knowledge" about your life. These spiritual beings are also able to tell the psychic reader about some secrets in your life which no one knows.

    But whatever it is, pray and ask God to give you a husband. Ask God to show you if there is anything wrong with you, causing you to be in and out of relationship easily.

    And if there is a curse over your life, you can break the curse in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Note: A curse does have power over your life just like "witchcraft/sorcery", "hex" and "charm" . But God's power is greater than all demonic powers and He can break the curse.

    But before you pray the above, you need to repent from all sins, ask Jesus to forgive you of all sins and ask Jesus to come into your life.

    Feel free to email me if you have more questions.

  3. She is not a physic ; but not at all ; she is there to rob people ; and that why she told you ; you had a curse ; she want you to go back and and go back until she will have grab your last penny . Stay far away from this person { I am a physic myself and NEVER EVER i would say such a thing to Nobody ] The why you are very fast    out of a relation is most probably because you have lots of unresoved issues Again be careful of those crooks and good luck  

  4. Omg! you should of asked for your money back (lol) first of all people who are truly psychic, don't ask for's a given gift to help people, not earn money from people..Theres always someone out there for everyone, believe it..whats weird is that psychic usually tells you good things not bad things..they help you how to over come the bad things..This person you went to must of had a bad day or you reminded her of someone she didn't like..just like with death, no one can tell you when that is..

  5. psychic readers prey on people for money.  They take your fears and exploit them.

    You draw to yourself that which you project.

    Walk confidently, speak confidently over yourself, and believe that you have everything inside you to live an abundant, blessed life.

    God bless

  6. Why do you even believe her so?  You've put faith in this reader's words at the expense of allowing what fate has written for you to happen.  Look if something is yours, it will come to you regardless of what anyone says and if it's not, well it will not happen.  You should have more faith in God's wisdom and plan for you than some pseudo-lying self-proclaimed, money hungry fake.


  7. psychics simply read your current energy and predict what will happen if that type of energy continues. You could choose to change that energy by switching the way you approach life and relationships. Look at how you dress. Men who are looking for marriage are attracted to women who wear long skirts or dresses and walk and be a bit shy like a lady. If you walk around with your butt sticking out in tight jeans, marriage minded men will be afraid you'll flirt with other men after marriage.  

  8. I can tell you that Phsycics are bad news.

    Jesus is the answer for your life  If you seek him He will tell you of things to come.

    John 3:16

    Yes He can break the power of any curse in Jesus Name!

    Seek Him and He will deliver you from this evil.

    Prayer Lord Jesus I lift up this person to you . I break any and every curse on her life. May she come to know You as her Lord and Savior in Jesus Name Lord Jesus show her how powerful you ,Manifest your great love to her in Jesus Name Amen!

    My Story someone told me I would never amount to anything and No man would never want me because of what my x boyfriend did to me.


    I testify I have my own business, and AM married. To encourage you if God can do it for me He can do it for you.

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