
For tropical fish, what is the warmest the tank could consistently be?

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In Fahrenheit, I don't want to convert to Celsius.




  1. Usually, in the low 80's. Ideally, you'd want to check the temperature range your particular fish are most comfortable at. Remember the trade off that; with the higher temp, although it helps to control most bacteria and fungus better, it requires more aeration and circulation to diffuse the ammonia build up. The water also becomes stagnant easier. But again, it's what's best for your specific fish that really matters. Research their needs vigorously.  Good Luck!

  2. It depends on the species,some Discus like the temp in the mid 80's, for instance, but most tropical fish will do well in the mid to high 70'sF.

  3. you dont want it higher than 80-82, 77-79 is a perfect

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