
For united kingdom visa degree is mandatory, i am nt a graduate but company sponsring me , they said that?

by Guest34309  |  earlier

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for united kingdom visa degree is mandatory, i am nt a graduate but company sponsring me , they said that passport and two photos is enough.they said that send 60000rs i ll send the visa and ticket with in a week is this beliveble? i am requesting give some ideas and suggestions i am waitaing for u r reply




  1. if you're in India and the currency you're quoting is rupees, then that's about £700 in UK currency, which is a fair amount of money ... what do they need this money for and who is the company that's sponsoring you? ... also to send a visa and ticket within a week is a bit unbelievable, I would have thought a legitimate visa would have taken a lot longer to process than that

    I think you need to do some more checking on these people

  2. I think you are being scammed.  

    Can you provide the name of the company so that we can do some more checking for you, though I can tell you now that if you have the address of the company, and a telephone number which begins with 44 70 then you are definitely being scammed as this type of number is a "find me anywhere in the world" number and is regularly used in advance fee scams.

  3. You say send 60000rs? What do you mean with the rs?

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