
For what are dreams and wishes good, if they won't get true in the end?!

by  |  earlier

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So why we have to dream and wish, can't we just accept the truth - although the truth would be hard?!?




  1. Masha'Allahu Kan wa Ma lam Yasha' Lam Yakun:What ever Allah willed to be will be And what ever Allah did not will to be shall not be.

    sometimes my wishes and dreams actually come true.  

  2. you have to make your own life happen, it wont just happen on its own

  3. i like this adage:

    God, grant me the serenity

    to accept the things I cannot change;

    the courage to change the things I can;

    and the wisdom to know the difference.

  4. Maybe the most important thing is that you possess the hope,that is,you believe that you could  succeed  if you make effort or if you try.The good dreams or wishes would encourage you to work hard to achieve your goal and keep you optimistic.So its good to have some good dreams even if sometimes they seem not easy to get true.At least you could say ok I have tried because if you try you may fail but if you never try you surely fail.

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