
For what reasons could you be denied receiving your security deposit back?

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My former roommates moved out without cleaning an inch of the apartment that they slopped up. Now my boyfriend and I are preparing to move out. He feels that I don't have to clean every single inch of the apartment, but I'm afraid of losing the security deposit. The apartment has no damages and the carpets aren't stained, but I don't have time to scrub every nook and cranny.




  1. You're best bet at getting your security deposit back, is to clean every inch...just like it was when you moved in.  Good luck

  2. Clean the apt. really well then take pictures and keep them to show the apt. is immaculate.  Then ask the landlord to come by and do a walk through this protects you better than anything.  Hey boyfriend isn't above handling a mop or cleaning the oven!

  3. You may get some of your security deposit back, but you wont get all of it. They will bring in a cleaning crew and deduct it from your deposit. If there are little holes in the wall from pictures, etc, they will patch them and charge you for the supplies and the time. And if there are other things like the fridge and oven needs to be cleaned, they will also deduct.

    Depending on how much your deposit is and how much they charge to have the place cleaned, you may get a little back; you may get none back or worst case scenario you may get none back and they charge you  an additional fee.

    To ensure you get your deposit back or some of it, you should rearrange your schedule and find the time to clean the apartment.  

  4. The clause that notes "jointly and severally" makes all signatories 100% liable for all rent, fees, penalties and damages. The landlord accepted you and the roomies as a single unit, not individuals. So the deposit is returned to (or damage costs assessed from) you all as a unit.

    When the apartment is finally vacant the landlord and tenants will settle-up, again as a unit. If you feel your roomies did the majority of the damage you sue them, not the landlord.

  5. same thing happened to me.Lol. just because you end the lease sooner than agreed even if it was not your fault.

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