
For what type of fitting would the application of solder wire during the jointing process be required?

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1. Manipulative compression fitting

2. Capillary

3.Type A

4.Type B




  1. No2 the capillary fitting.

    Do you know why it is called "Capillary"?

  2. 2. Capillary. The term implies to suck up i.e. the solder.

  3. Compression fittings work on that principle, force of compression. (a couple of adjustable spanners are needed)

    Capillary or End feed fittings need solder wire to make the joint.

    Yorkshire style fittings come with a ring of solder in the end of the fittings, but in both cases make sure you clean the copper properly and use plenty of flux to get the solder to flow. I personally end feed a yorkshire fitting, just to be sure.

  4. End feed capillary fittings i.e copper fittings , using flux & solder

  5. Type A and B are manipulative fittings. As manipulative means, loosely, mechanical, there would be no need for solder. The only fitting it is needed on is the capillary fitting.

  6. Modellar is correct, I did not know what an "A & B type" were  nor that they are also manipulative. I did know solder runs under capilary action and knew these solder type "capillary" fittings were not manipulative.

    Therefore I would have assumed 3type a and 4type b unknown and 1. not able to be soldered leaving only 2 capillary for sure as the correct answer.

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