
For what type of monuments, culture, is Chile known for?

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In order words what is Chile know for besides its 4,400 km length? Why do many tourists go there, what is there to see in Santiago? How is the spanish language over there? are their accent different from Argentina?




  1. Another thing is about the magnificent & only Easter Island (Isla de Pascua) with all their  Moais, still mysterious & awe-inspiring. On top of that the island is the remote island of the entire world.This is the place to be!!! Very isolated and the island is all yours to explore. A pink sand beach Playa de Anakena and Playa Ovahe - going there is like owning the beach by yourself (nobody is there maybe couple of people). It's a 4hrs flight from Santaigo going  the pacific ocean, people are mix hispanic & polynesia descent. Just like any major island foods & souvenirs are a little bit pricey but hotel & especially residential are affordable. I'm not gonna lie the airfare to/from the island is expensive, mine cost $831.00. Anyway you wont regret going in there trust me.

  2. As Chilean native, the more impressive feature from Chile are the mountains. You can go from sea level up to 22,000 in less than 20,000 km.

    As such a long country the contrast along the north and south are impressive. In the north extreme, the Atacama Desert is the driest place on earth (yes, it is a really desert). The south have impressive glaciers and in Punta Arenas there is the only (to the extent of my knowledge) sky resort with a coastal landscape.

    In the central region you can enjoy the typical architecture of Valparaiso, and the many wine regions in Chile. Chilean wine is a very good price/quality wine, and you can taste them in guided tours. I strongly recommend to try Carmenere, a wine which is only produced in Chile. In other hand typical Chilean food is less elaborated and flavored when compared to other Latin-American food. In reality is quite simple and bland.

    In Santiago you can enjoy an urban, crowed city, with high levels of air pollution. In any case it is a well developed city with an excellent public transportation system. However the night life can be boring. Chileans tend to be more serious and less party when compared to other Latin-American countries. Fortunately, Santiago is close to many interesting points in Chile.

    The Spanish is very similar to the rest of Latin-American Spanish with a 95-98% of similarity. The accent is very different, and you can find problems to distinguish the ends sounds in a phrase. In other hand Chileans tend to be very nice towards tourist, and they will have no problem in repeating a phrase in a conversation.

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