
For women on Prozac: Do you find you still get depressed around the time of your period?

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I have been using Prozac for depression and anxiety for the past few months. For the most part, it has worked really well, but I still find that I get kind of depressed shortly before my period. It's not as bad as it would be if I weren't taking the meds, but I still don't like it. Has anyone else here experienced this?




  1. I take an antidepressant and I feel differently around my period - slightly depressed and I have physical symptoms.  I don't think the antidepressants can take away everything.  

  2. OMG, I am on quite an extensive cocktail of meds for my depression/anxiety etc and no matter how great they are, when I am in my ovulating cycle, it's like i haven't taken the pills at all. My pre-period depression is worse than my regular depression.  

  3. It is normal for anyone to get depressed on their period especially if you are a naturally depressed person. There's not really anything to worry about it's very normal. I get so depressed on my periods I used to cut myself every time i had one. I'm doing better and you will be too. The best thing to do is do something or think about something else to get your mind off you being depressed.

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